The Most Powerful Tool, that is also your Enemy

In training we use a variety of tools to reach our goals. We utilize various equipment, use specific training modalities, and eat specific foods. However, one tool we often overlook is the most powerful, and useful tool of them all: Your Mind.

Your mind can also be your worst enemy. Just like you train your body to perform, you need to train your mind to perform. If you don’t train how you think, your mind can be the difference between progress and regression. One of the biggest issues that athletes struggle with is self doubt and negativity. They think, “This is hard,” or “I can’t do that.”

We put countless hours into our physical training. Equal amounts of time should be put into honing our mental game. The mind controls the body, right? You may have all the physical tools needed to be successful but if you enter a workout with a bad mentality, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

One of the characteristics of CrossFit training is that we train in adverse conditions. Your heart rate is through the roof, your muscles and lungs burn, and your mind is going a thousand miles an hour. In this moment, you have to make hundreds of small decisions. Your mental game is going to influence what decisions you make.

Keep your head in the game. Remember all those moments you thought you would never make it though? Well, here you are, still kicking ass and fighting for your fitness.

Your mind is your most powerful tool, or it can be your worst enemy. The choice is yours!

-Coach Pete