Member Spotlight: Kathy Dillon

Kathy joined our community in April of 2018 and her progress in the last year and a half has been incredible. How incredible? Well, possibly life saving. Being diagnosed with diabetes is news that no one wants to hear. Endless medications and complications as well as possible loss of vision and toes through amputation are all worries of diabetics. Fortunately for Kathy, with the right nutrition and lifestyle change, she was able to completely come off of her medications. Currently, Kathy is at 110# LOST and thriving. People like Kathy are exactly why Roaster Barbell exists. We are grateful to have been apart of your journey, Kathy!
1) How has CrossFit impacted your quality of life outside of the gym?
It has changed my life 100%. I used to have to sit down between stores at the mall. I now eat standing up because I have so much energy. I used to feel like I was dragging my body with me. Now I feel like I don’t want to stop walking once I start.
2) What was your exercise background prior to CrossFit like?
Desk job. The last time I was seriously into exercise was the Jane Fonda era.
3) What has CrossFit allowed you to do that you never thought you would do?
Run a 5K. Hated it, but I did it.
4) How has CrossFit changed you mentally?
CrossFit has saved my life mentally. My doctor will back me up on this. I want to live. I want to exercise. I want to continue to show up the old me.
5) What have you learned about yourself through training with the CrossFit methodology?
That all my excuses were my fault. I would blame everyone and everything. Even my 55 year old body is changing every week. I have muscles. I’m strong. It works.
6) Why did you start CrossFit?
My walking tapes and faceless gyms were getting old. I have a friend who was taking CrossFit classes.  She told me her weight had not changed. But her body was definitely changing for the better.
7) What is your favorite part of CrossFit Roaster Barbell?
That I don’t have to be the best. Most days I’m the worst . But I’m still learning new things and getting the workout of a lifetime every single day.  The CrossFit community will support you no matter what your skill level is.
8) Is there anything else you would like to add?
Before diet and exercise my A1C was 9.9 . After 8 months of diet and exercise my A1C was 8.1. After 3 months of CrossFit my A1C was 6.2 and 3 months later it was 5.6. That speaks for itself. My doctor was thrilled!
I have been a daughter
a  wife
a mother
a sister
a friend
a lover
a widow
a survivor
All these things make me who I am, but at my last doctor visit she called me an ATHLETE.
Three years ago that is a name this 305 lb. woman only dreamed of.
If you would like to learn more about what we do here at CrossFit Roaster Barbell, shoot Coach Pete an email at to begin your journey and begin writing your success story. We know you have goals, we want to offer you a path to them!