Member Spotlight: Jenienne Geist

Jenienne’s journey with Roaster Barbell has become one of the most rewarding experiences a trainer could have. Teaching Jenienne the skills to improve her strength and function has opened up a whole new perspective on what CrossFit really is. CrossFit is much more than just high intensity group classes and high level gymnastics and weightlifting. CrossFit can also be 1 on 1 in a much different kind of environment. We use the phrase, “Technique-Consistency-Intensity” when describing the path to improved fitness. 1 on 1 is undoubtedly an effective route to begin learning technique as we build towards earning intensity. Thank you Jenienne for taking the time to effectively describe your journey with Roaster Barbell and we look forward to helping you for years to come!


1) How long have you been a member at Roaster Barbell and what made you begin?

My niece in Detroit is a personal trainer (and a CrossFit member) and as a Christmas gift in 2018 she bought me 4 personal training sessions at CrossFit Roaster Barbell in Berea where I live. After my free sessions were over I was hooked and wanted to continue, so since January of 2019 I have been doing PT with Coach Pete.  

2) What are your training goals?

Until I started at Roaster Barbell, I didn’t have any training goals—just wishes. I wished I were stronger.  I started to notice in my 40s that I was losing my upper body strength and by the time I hit my 60s it was really obvious.  And getting frustrating.

Over the years, I did what a lot of women do — take a yoga class, a few aerobics classes, a body sculpting class….  I bought exercise equipment and videos I didn’t seriously use. But occasional attempts at exercise won’t get you the muscle tone you one day find that you need to get back because you didn’t really work to keep it.  

Thanks to getting started at Roaster Barbell, I have real goals now to develop core strength, muscle and balance.  It is obvious to me that I really need to work at this and that I have found the right place to get it.

3) What has been your biggest accomplishment while training at Roaster Barbell?

Some months into 2019, I turned around and discovered I had actual muscles in my arms and legs that I didn’t have before. To me, this was a big deal and I was delighted. It still spurs me on because I don’t want to lose the gains I’ve made.  

4) What do you look forward to doing most when we are able to open back up?

Just to getting back to the in-person training again.  Self-discipline doesn’t come easy for me and I still need the accountability that having a trainer provides. The virtual training videos are great but nothing beats being at the gym.  Pete doesn’t pamper me – he knows when to push me. 

5) How has the gym affected your life outside of the gym?

It has opened up for me a new focus on my health and fitness that I just wasn’t paying enough attention to before now.  I’m developing a mindset.  I cut out the bakery and take the stairs more. There are so many benefits to strength training for your heart, brain, bone density, etc.  I feel like I’m making an important investment in my health not just for now but for years to come.  

6) What is your least favorite gym activity?

Lunges.  They are challenging for me and I just don’t enjoy them but they are probably what has given me the strength in my legs the fastest.   

7) What is your favorite gym activity?

I like using the rower and the lat pull down machine. And I like trying to hit the mark with the wallballs.  

8) What have you learned at the gym that has been most impactful on your life?

I see what others in the community have accomplished in their training and I want to keep challenging myself and not give up in my own training.

9) What is the best part about CrossFit Roaster Barbell and our community?

Community starts with the coaches.  Pete is great at challenging and encouraging everyone.  From a personal standpoint, Pete has developed training that is geared for me and what he knows I need to be challenged to do.  I might be his oldest trainee but I consider it a privilege to be a part of this very supportive community.

10) What advice would you have for someone who was on the fence about getting started?

The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll begin to reap the benefits of strength training.  I’ve started this training later than most and I know I’ll never qualify for the games, but it has been fun and rewarding — it doesn’t take very long to see real results.

11) Is there anything else you would like to add?

I feel fortunate that I started at the old gym and got to see the exciting transition to the new gym.  CFRB is just a great place to be!




Thank you for taking the time to get to know Jenienne through her Member Spotlight. If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!

Member Spotlight: Dan Cronin

From Coach Pete:
Dan Cronin is one of the hardest working individuals to ever step foot in CrossFit Roaster Barbell. Since I was a young kid I have always been around athletics and Dan has proven to be one of the best, he is truly a special athlete. He has been able to separate himself from the pack because of his physical abilities. But what makes Dan special is not his ability to exercise fast, he has shown great maturity, generosity, and humbleness to everyone he meets. To me, this is far more important than his ability to exercise really well. At the end of the day, no one remembers your times or lifts. People remember how you made them feel, and Dan makes everyone at Roaster Barbell feel like family. Thank you, Dan!
1) How long have you been a member at Roaster Barbell and what made you begin?
I have been a member at Roaster for about 3 years now. I joined back in the summer of 2017 because I had met Pete and Doug at a CrossFit competition and wanted to train around like-minded individuals. Contextually I was coaching at another box and even had a key to that gym to go in whenever I wanted. Even with that in mind, I opted to pay Pete to let me train with him!
2) What are your training goals?
My primary goal is to stay healthy and stay in shape. Outside of that, I have aspirations to compete as an individual and / or team member at CrossFit Sanctioned events.
3) What has been your biggest accomplishment while training at Roaster Barbell?
My biggest accomplishment while training at Roaster was my top 500 in the world Open Finish in 2019. The atmosphere while doing the workouts and overall encouragement of the gym was electric. I have so much thanks and appreciation for the Roaster Fam.
4) What do you look forward to doing most when we are able to open back up?
Like I alluded to above, I can’t wait to see everyone. It’s not really about the workout equipment or the rig, its about getting to catch-up with friends. It’s been too long.
5) How has the gym affected your life outside of the gym?
The gym community holds me accountable. Therefore, the decisions I make outside of the gym are always weighed against expectations or conversations I had in the gym. Additionally, I think fitness in general has had a positive impact on my mood and outlook on life in general. When I am able to get into the gym and see everyone I tend to be happier outside of it.
6) What is your least favorite gym activity?
My least favorite activity is anything that involves a heavy sandbag. I feel like I can never get a good grip on the thing and I hold my breath which leads to a longgg workout.
7) What is your favorite gym activity?
I love simple CrossFit workouts that test your engine. Whether that be Pete’s “Unfinishable” workouts or those that just require you to continue moving, However, in terms of movements, I can’t get enough double-unders, chest-to-bar, muscle-ups, burpees or rowing.
8) What have you learned at the gym that has been most impactful on your life?
I think a lot of good things can come from hard work and by applying yourself to a goal. I think I learned that changes take time and that nothing is given. In the short-term it may seem like progress is non-existent but when I look back over the years I’ve realized that I really have improved. So, for me, its to not get caught up in the immediate results and trust the process. If you work for it long enough and stay dedicated the results will come.
9) What is the best part about Roaster Barbell and our community?
The people! Every member is unique and has their own back story, but when we come together at the gym we are all united in a common goal. The people really invest in each other too. A lot of relationships are maintained outside of the gym and we truly care about each other’s personal lives; whether that be the birth of a child, getting engaged or buying a new house.
10) What advice would you have for someone who was on the fence about getting started?
I’m paraphrasing, but somebody once told me “You don’t learn to read and then go to school. You go to school to learn to read.” Same thing is true with CrossFit, if you don’t think you are “in-shape enough” to start that’s just not true. CrossFit is for all skill levels and all ages. It is a mechanism for you to improve your health and wellness in a judgement free zone while the community at Roaster will embrace you every step of the way.
11) What has been your biggest obstacle in the gym and what have you done to overcome it?
I think strength has been my biggest obstacle. Over the past few months I’ve been religiously following a strength program to attack it (i.e. squatting / oly lifting in general). My advice would be to identify a weakness or obstacle by asking yourself or with the help of a coach / friend and put a tangible plan in place to accomplish it. I always said I wanted to get stronger but until I had a tangible plan it kind of fell by the wayside. This time is different.
12) Is there anything else you would like to add?
Just that I miss everyone. The conversations I’ve had and experiences I’ve shared with the Roaster community have been some of the most memorable in my life. I truly hope that everyone is staying safe and continuing to find positives in this tough time. I can’t wait for those doors to open again and for all of us to make new memories. I’m looking forward to it!
Thank you for your time today! If you would like to learn more about how you can get started on your journey with us simply email Coach Pete at and lets begin the conversation. We look forward to meeting you!

Member Spotlight: Steve Cave

1) How long have you been a member at Roaster Barbell and what made you begin?
I’ve been a member for 4+ years.  I knew Pete when he was a personal trainer at a gym in North Olmsted and we kept in touch during the time that he moved around to different gyms.
2) What are your training goals?
I want to continue to lose weight and conquer my 1st bar muscle-up as well as complete double unders more consistently.
3) What has been your biggest accomplishment while training at Roaster Barbell?
My biggest accomplishment has been not giving up on my goals and coming back to Pete for over four years!
4) What do you look forward to doing most when we are able to open back up?
I look forward to any machine (ie rower), since I don’t have one at my house.  I will not complain when getting on any of them when everything returns to normal!
5) How has the gym affected your life outside of the gym?
The gym has made me realize that my mental and physical health are very important and that it takes a long time, patience and practice to get better.
6) What is your least favorite gym activity?
My least favorite exercises are any gymnastic movements but I want to work even harder to get these under my belt!
7) What is your favorite gym activity?
My favorite exercises in the gym are the weightlifting movements like deadlifts and bench press.
8) What have you learned at the gym that has been most impactful on your life?
The gym has taught me patience.
9) What is the best part about CrossFit Roaster Barbell and our community?
The best part is getting to know so many great people and having them around to give great support even when someone is struggling on an workout.
10) What advice would you have for someone who was on the fence about getting started?
My advice would be to not be afraid. Having a great coach in Pete and a great community makes me want to come back better and stronger!
11) What has been your biggest obstacle to overcome?
My biggest challenge has been my weight.  I have been working hard for the past five months to lose weight to enjoy my life more.
12) Is there anything else you would like to add?
I have lost over 40 lbs since January 2020.  The toughest part was being mentally prepared to change my lifestyle and what I had been eating.  Losing weight has made me feel so much better and giving me more confidence to get back to the gym and conquer all the workouts that I am not good at or that I couldn’t do because of my weight problems.
Thank you for your time! If you would like to find out how you could be our next success story, just shoot Coach Pete an email to begin the conversation at