Member Spotlight: Cassie Gaye

From Coach Pete: Cassie is one of those athletes that is just special. Whether its her ability to learn new things quickly, be supportive of others, or her desire to become the best version of herself, she just gets it done with all of her heart. One of the most important characteristics an athlete can have in order to be successful is their ability to be coachable. Her ability to accept criticism and apply it moving forward has allowed her to overcome many obstacles on her journey. Being a coach herself at the high school varsity level has given her great perspective on how to be coachable and be a great teammate. Besides her high level performance in the gym, her ability to influence and help others is really where she excels. Cassie is truly a great teammate and everything a coach could want in an athlete. This is why her success is far from a surprise. Thank you Cassie for your continued effort and your ability to lift others up around you.



1 – What is your “why”? What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My goal is to be the best version of myself everyday for Zola, my family, Jillian, my friends and for whoever needs me to help get themselves out of bed in the morning (students, colleagues, the people at the coffee shop, members at the gym, etc.).

2 – If you could accomplish 1 thing in the next 10 years, athletically or professionally, what would that be?

Stop living to work and start working to live.

3 – What brought you to Roaster Barbell?

100% the Community. Around this time 3-Years ago I walked into Roaster 1.0 with a huge list of all the things (I thought) I couldn’t do. I saw the professionalism and the culture of accountability that Pete instilled in the gym and I was all in. You are the average of the people you surround yourself with. There are still things I can’t do, yet, but I know I will get there with the help of the people in this gym.

4 – What is your favorite thing to do in the gym?

Long WODs with some kind of barbell work involved.

(And shooting the shit with everyone before, during and after class! Some of our random conversations make my day!)

5 – What is your least favorite thing in the gym?

Any isometric accessory stuff.

6 – How has your training in the gym impacted your life outside of the gym?

(1) Major anxiety & stress relief! Getting your workout done before the sunrises is the best way to start your day off with a WIN. This rolls into (2) Enjoying life’s little moments more. When you find a routine and discipline your mind feels less cluttered and starts creating space to let the good stuff in. This helps with (3) building relationships. Slowing down and taking the time to get to know people is also part of the “good stuff.” (4) Confidence. Achieving a goal, mentally pushing through a challenge, and physically feeling better is a major confidence boost. You stand a little taller knowing what you can do.

7 – In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of life?


8 – If you could be any professional CF Games Athlete, who would you be and why?

Julie Foucher, currently a medical student at the Cleveland Clinic. She just seems like the type of person that does CrossFit because it improves her wellbeing, not for the trophy, which is what most of us are here for! She makes a living helping others who are sick and on her free time she shares her insight on how to live a healthier life. Knowledge is powerful but it is even more powerful when it is shared with others.

9 – What aspects of health and fitness do you find most difficult and why?

Diet and Nutrition. Working out is easy. You make time for it, you go to the gym, and you’re surrounded by people who are there for the same reasons as you. Going out with friends, going to a restaurant, family parties, or living with a person who may not particularly value it as much as you do makes it hard to eat the things you should. Also, life is fast! There’s no denying it can be hard to make time to actually cook for yourself versus stopping somewhere quick for lunch.

10 – If you had the choice, would you rather have infinite strength, or infinite cardiovascular endurance?

Strength. As long as I have an able body I better be able to stand it up tall.

11 – What would you say to someone that asks you about the gym and was looking to get started?

You will always have weaknesses and there will always be someone better than you. Get over it. Comparison is the thief of joy. Set goals for yourself and when you achieve them, no matter how small, celebrate them. You’ll love this place because I guarantee the people you start to workout with on a daily basis will notice and celebrate with you!

13 – Do you have anything else you would like to add?

Go Browns.




Thank you for taking the time to get to know Cassie! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!