2021 Roaster Spring Apparel

Hey there! If you are looking for the spring swag, you’ve come to the right place. Check out the awesomeness below and simply shoot Coach Pete an email or text with the items you want to rock. Your balance will be added to your June 1st membership payment or you can bring in cash when the order arrives. Thank you for the support!

Email: ptaylor@mail.bw.edu       Text: 440-503-6712



Roaster Spotlight: Katy McManamon

From Coach Pete: Katy and her family have truly enhanced our community for the better. I’ve had the pleasure of working with not only Katy and her husband Scott, but both of their children as well. Katy is a great example of someone that was hesitant to join classes but gave it a shot and thrived! Watching her grow in the gym has been very rewarding and she deserves all the credit for working hard, dumping the excuses, and truly embracing her training. The sky is the limit and I’m excited to see whats next for Katy!
1) What is your why? What gets you out of bed in the morning?
I get out of bed in the morning for myself and my family. I think that when you feel good on a personal level, it is reflected in everything else that you do throughout your day.
2) What is your most meaningful goal?
To set a good example for my kids. To show them that physical exercise should be a part of your day no matter what stage of life you are in. Also, that it is never too late to try something new and succeed.
3) If you could have lunch with anyone ever, who would it be and why?
Dan Levy. He is hysterical and I love anyone that can make me laugh!
4) What is your favorite part of training?
I love that every day is different. I never get bored! I also love that I am always learning new things and that you can constantly be setting new goals for yourself.
5) What is your least favorite part of training?
I can honestly say that I hate any workout that involves burpees. But, I never regret doing them because they are so good for your body and I feel great afterwards.
6) What has been your biggest obstacle on your fitness journey?
I think just being ok with who I am and where I am at as an athlete. There are a lot of skills that I will probably never be able to do, but that isn’t going to stop me from trying my absolute best.
7) What would your ideal day consist of?
Obviously starting my day off with a workout at Roaster! Then transporting myself and my family to a beach (ideally Hilton Head, our favorite vacation spot) relax with a good book and a night out to dinner.
8) What is something that no one knows about you?
A lot of people don’t know that I ran cross country in high school. I think that is why I am one of the few people that actually enjoys the workouts with running incorporated in them.
9) Who is your biggest inspiration?
There are a lot of people that inspire me in various aspects of my life. But as far as CrossFit goes, Theresa Demich. Hands down. She is proof that there are no excuses and no matter where you are in life, you can be physically fit and healthy. She is so positive and enthusiastic about the sport!
10) What brought you to Roaster Barbell?
After a lot of persuading from my husband, Scott, and a friend, I pretty much wasn’t given a choice, but to start coming to Roaster. I fell in love with CrossFit instantly!
11) How has the gym influenced your life outside of the gym?
I have gained a lot more confidence in myself which has made me a more positive, happy person. I will be forever grateful that I took this chance and tried something new!
12) What advice would you give someone that is on the fence about CrossFit and Roaster Barbell?
I hear people say that they need to get in shape before they can try CrossFit. No you don’t! You actually get in shape by coming to CrossFit! Roaster Barbell is such a positive, encouraging environment. All shapes, sizes and abilities welcome!
13) If you could go anywhere in the world for a day, where would you go and why?
Lake Louise in Canada. It looks like the most beautiful place on earth. Definitely on my bucket list!


Thank you for taking the time to get to know Katy and her journey! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at ptaylor@mail.bw.edu and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!