From Coach Pete:
When I think of Tim, I think of the words discipline and consistency. We started our journey together roughly 6+ years ago doing one on one training. The most notable observation has been Tim’s resilience and discipline to stay the course through many events that would have made the average person give up. He is exactly the kind of person you would want on your team. There is no finish line and there is no quit. When theres work to be done, he’ll figure it out no matter how high the hurdle in front of him. Just recently, Tim went through hip surgery and never missed a beat. His first reaction wasn’t, “what can’t I do,” it was “what can I do?” That simple thought process is why Tim has had so much success over the years. Focus on what you can do and not on what you can’t and you’ll have success for years. Its a mindset. Thank you Tim for being a great influence in our community.
1) How has CrossFit impacted your quality of life outside of the gym?
CrossFit has improved my mobility and stamina which has helped reduce my fatigue allowing me to be better focused at work and home. The training that Pete provides is helping me to recover from recent hip surgery I believe faster than if I was rehabbing on my own.
2) What was your exercise background prior to CrossFit like?
My background was basically working with weights at home and playing golf and basketball.
3) What has CrossFit allowed you to do that you never thought you would do?
I never thought I would be climbing a rope,running a 10k, skiing a 10k, or rowing a half marathon. I never thought I would compete in a competition. CrossFit has given me the confidence to step out of my box and experience new challenges.
4) How has CrossFit changed you mentally?
CrossFit has made me mentally tougher to handle challenges but has also made me mentally calmer in high stress situations. I believe that is due to pushing ourselves harder than we think we can, more often than not I fail but it doesn’t stop me from trying again.
5) What have you learned about yourself through training with the CrossFit methodology?
At times my mind is my own worst enemy. I may think in the middle of a WOD or stressful situation that I can’t give it any more but when its over and I have time to analyze the event I know I could have gone farther. This gives me more confidence the next time and something to challenge myself with.
6) Why did you start CrossFit?
I needed a change and something that was community based to help improve my fitness as I get older.
7) What is your favorite part of Roaster Barbell?
It would have to be Pete and the community. Pete has created an atmosphere that is unique and allows people to grow. This community of people comes from all age groups and fitness levels but everyone is willing to encourage and help each other. I am grateful to have found this group and hope to be here for a long time.
8) Is there anything else you would like to add?
Just a big “THANKS” to Pete for all he provides. Sometimes we take things for granted and every so often we need to stop and thank those people who make it possible for us to improve ourselves.
Thank you for your time! If you would like to find out how you could be our next success story, just shoot Coach Pete an email to begin the conversation at