Your Shoes Need Retired

Its that time again! Its time to get out and enjoy that cool spring air and starting building some miles into your training. But first, lets take a look at your shoes. Are you using the same shoes as last year? I mean, why not? Right?


Chances are your running shoes from last year need to be retired. In fact, your shoes have a lifetime that must be respected or else you may suffer the consequences. The miles you put on last years shoes have taken its toll, no doubt. As we accumulate miles on our running shoes, we compress the sole and midsole. Once this compression has created visible squish marks on the sole, your shoes are ready to get retired and replaced. This compression is not unusual, in fact, its on purpose to keep you safe! Knowing when to swap out your old running shoes could save you weeks of uncomfortable training and maybe even save you from having an injury.


So as the weather continues to improve here in Ohio, lets be aware of our gear and continue to train safely! If you need some guidance with your training, send Coach Pete a message and lets get you on a good path forward! Email:

