From Coach Pete: Today’s spotlight has been years in the making. When Chaz began his CrossFit journey with us in the summer of 2022, Im pretty sure he was only here because his wife made him. I always tell people, the hardest part is walking through the door. Fast forward almost three years and Chaz is a daily staple on the attendance sheet and has made massive changes to his activity and lifestyle. Nutrition and exercise are the obvious keys to progress but there’s something about community that is hard to quantify. Chaz leaned into the community for support and camaraderie and has now become someone that can be a mentor for those looking for the same. His commitment to his fitness has spilled into his personal and professional life as well. One of the coolest things to watch is how fitness can elevate your whole life. Chaz is remarkably humble for how much success he has been having. He’s lost about 70# since 2022. He has shared some “before” photos to illustrate where he’s been to encourage others that they can do it too. On a personal level, Chaz has become a great friend and golfing partner to myself. Spending countless hours on the course with someone will really allow you to get to know them. Chaz is the ultimate husband, father, and friend to many. Chaz’s spotlight is a perfect example of what a little hard work and consistency can accomplish. He’s been a wonderful example of exactly the type of person that Roaster Barbell loves to have! Congratulations, Chaz, and thank you for being here and for trusting in Roaster Barbell.
1) What is your why? What gets you out of bed in the morning?
I want to be the best example I can be to my kids and be a present, involved husband and dad.
2) What is your most meaningful goal? Could be life or fitness or anything.
Sticking to fitness, my goal is to stay consistent with my exercise and nutrition now so that I can be active and do fun things late into life.
3) If you could have lunch with anyone ever, who would it be and why?
Other than family, Calvin Coolidge. Best president ever.
4) What is your favorite part of training?
Setting aside whatever problems we have for an hour or two each day and focusing on getting a little better.
5) What is your least favorite part of training?
Realizing that I still can’t consistently do double unders (or a bunch of other stuff that I should probably be able to do by now).
6) What has been your biggest obstacle on your fitness journey?
Until recently, my nutrition. I started working with a nutritionist (shoutout Abby) about a year ago and getting more focused on what I’m eating has helped me make a lot of progress in the gym.
7) What would your ideal day consist of?
Morning workout, round of golf, steak dinner with family.
8) What is something that no one knows about you?
When I was 8 years old I won two coloring contests on the same day and got two gift certificates to Woolworth’s. Best day ever. I’m a great colorer.
9) Who is your biggest inspiration?
My wife, Jessica, has been dealing with thyroid cancer and surgery and her determination has been a massive inspiration.
10) What brought you to Roaster Barbell?
Jess made me come. I did not want to come and hadn’t worked out seriously in about 15 years. And on the way to the gym the first day I said “He’s not going to make us work out on our first day is he? Like we’ll just take a tour or something?” And then Pete made us work out. We rowed 250 meters and I thought I would die.
11) How has the gym influenced your life outside of the gym?
Coming to Roaster every day has been the cornerstone for many positive habit changes in my life. Being disciplined in one area makes it much easier to be disciplined in every aspect of your life.
12) What advice would you give someone who is on the fence about CrossFit and Roaster Barbell?
You’ll only feel out of place until you walk through the door, and then the community welcomes you and supports you regardless of how fit or skilled you are. And it would be hard to be less fit or skilled than me, so you should definitely come.
13) If you could go anywhere in the world for a day where would you go and why?
For a hike in Yosemite- love hiking and exploring the national parks and it’s one I haven’t been to yet.
14) Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you to Pete and everyone at Roaster for making this place awesome.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know Chaz and his journey! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!