Roaster Spotlight: Christina Roman

From Coach Pete: Christina is easily one of the most valuable assets to the gym. Her ability to effectively encourage and assist others is second to none. In the afternoons, its not unusual to find Christina taking time out of her own workout to lend a hand to someone who may be struggling with a movement. Community is critical to the gym and Christina is the glue that holds us together. Its truly amazing to have such a great person play such an important role in this community. Thank you, for everything that you do Christina!


1) What is your why? What gets you out of bed in the morning?

I’m still trying to figure this one out but every day I strive to live my life making whatever positive impact I can in people’s lives- namely by spreading love and kindness. I know I was placed on this planet for some reason but who knows maybe my purpose is simply to love my family, my friends, my community and my planet. A lot can come from that without having a direct, specific or grand intention.

2) What is your most meaningful goal?

I have a goal to start a mentorship program that will help high school students maneuver all that comes with pursuing learning beyond highschool. I had great mentors and people who helped me along my path of being a first generation college student, so I want to pay it forward and continue to help more students achieve more than they think possible. 

3) If you could have lunch with anyone ever, who would it be and why?

Michelle Obama- setting aside her political ties, she is an amazing person. She is not only smart and sophisticated but a strong woman. I admire how she made the best of her situation, despite not wanting to be in the public eye from the beginning. She embraced her position and strived to make an impact of her own while in her role as first lady, and she continues to do so today. 

4) What is your favorite part of training?

Before I found CrossFit I was a runner, so I enjoy the cardio aspect of training. But overall I just really enjoy pushing myself and my body to move. Before the mandatory COVID break I was really struggling mentally when it came to training. I had been coming daily but it was just another thing on my list for the day, another part of the daily routine. This may not sound like a bad thing, but I was lacking the correct mindset when walking into the gym. The break renewed this mindset, and it reminded me that training is so much better when surrounded by people that want to see you get better. 

5) What is your least favorite part of training?

I have always struggled with getting my body to move in the manner that is being explained to me. I’m not really sure how else to explain it and I think it was due to my lack of sports growing up. For instance, when it comes to complex movements like snatches or anything on the rig I really struggle with the body awareness needed for these movements.  

6) What has been your biggest obstacle on your fitness journey?

The mental aspect and fear of lifting heavy has been my biggest obstacle. I have found that if I just lift and focus on my form, rather than the number of pounds, it has allowed me to get past this mental block. It doesn’t always work, some days lifts just feel heavy and I still struggle. When these days hit I try my best not to get hung up on the ‘failures’ and instead focus on how far I have come.

7) What would your ideal day consist of?

I would want to get an early morning start to the day with some good coffee and a solid breakfast. A brisk morning walk with some good music and time to myself to get into a positive mindset. I would then want to enjoy nature by exploring a new hiking trail or go for a long bike ride with my husband. Next would be a lunch filled with some good food and conversation with either a new or old friend. I would then spend the remaining part of my afternoon doing whatever creative project I am currently working on. I would then round out my day with some gym time. Moving my body always gives me the boost of energy needed to get through the rest of the evening. Which would consist of making and eating some yummy dinner and curling up with a good book or my journal.

9) Who is your biggest inspiration?

My biggest inspiration is my mom. She is a strong, caring and genuine person despite the hardships she has been through the past few years. She instilled in me a faith in the good of humanity and a strong hard work ethic that has provided me with so much opportunity. If I am half the woman she is in my lifetime, I will be content with who I am.

10) What brought you to Roaster Barbell?

I had done Crossfit for 7 years, by the time my husband and I moved to the area. We were looking for good programming and a gym that would be closer to our new home. When we were looking into our options we met Pete. From the get go we were impressed with him, his knowledge and the first few members we met were so welcoming. We immediately knew it was the place for us.

11) How has the gym influenced your life outside of the gym?

I feel that the gym has developed and strengthened my mental toughness. I have been able to overcome so much through the past year as a result of this. Like many people I have struggled keeping myself in a positive mental place during the pandemic. By no means does this mean I have it all figured out and I never have a bad day. On the contrary! But when these do come up I can move through the hard days with more ease because I am mentally tough. 

12) What advice would you give someone who is on the fence about CrossFit and Roaster Barbell?

There is never a better time to start to get into shape or to challenge your mind and body! The people you surround yourself with are a huge part of getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.  This gym is filled with wonderful people who are authentic and encouraging.

13) If you could go anywhere in the world for a day where would you go and why?

Sicily- I want to experience the breathtaking vista, rich culture and good food. Ask me again tomorrow and most likely I would have a different answer. I’m definitely the stereotypical wanderlust…


Thank you for taking the time to get to know Christina and her journey! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!


Roaster Spotlight: Ashley Fiefhaus

From Coach Pete: Watching a member grow as an athlete and a person, overcoming mental and physical hurdles, and becoming more confident and comfortable in the gym is one of the best parts of being a coach. Ashley has done all of this and more on her journey to her best self. The hardest step is always the first but once an athlete can overcome this, the sky is the limit. Roaster Barbell is honored to have been apart of Ashley’s journey. Thank you for choosing Roaster Barbell as your home, Ashley. I look forward to connecting with you and your husband when you are back in town. Thank you for sharing your story with us. #teamroasterbarbell


1) What is your why? What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My “why” is to be the best wife I can be to Robbie, and to be the best person I can be for myself and for my family. My mental health really suffered when I was in my 20s because I focused so much on my career, and my physical health suffered for it as well. Now I want to be able to take care of myself so I am able to help take care of others. Also, I really want to be able to move and function well when I am in my 80s or 90s. There are many people in my family that are suffering because they have not taken care of themselves, and I really do not want that for myself or for my future kids, so health and fitness have become a very important part of my life and really are my “why.”

2) What is your most meaningful goal?

A fitness goal I have for myself is to become strong enough to complete one of those Spartan races. A life goal I have is to find a career that allows me to make a difference in a least one person’s life.

3) If you could have lunch with anyone ever, who would it be and why?

If I could have lunch with anyone, it would be with Princess Diana because despite all the struggles she personally went through, she would still show compassion and kindness to people from all over the world. She was able to use her status and fame to make others aware of many issues going on in the world by simply going out and showing kindness to people. I think if there were more people like her in the world, it would definitely be a better place.

4) What is your favorite part of training?

Other than running, my favorite part of training is after putting in months or years of hard work, I am able to do a move or lift a weight I couldn’t do before. I have experienced a lot of “firsts” at Roaster Barbell, and one of my biggest goals was to get a strict pull up, and I am now able to do two in a row. My strength seems to be creeping up on me, and I know it’s because I show up and work hard everyday at the gym. I know I have a long way to go with my strength, but it also feels good to know the work is paying off.

5) What is your least favorite part of training?

My least favorite part of training is working on my weaknesses. I always feel discouraged when I cannot lift heavy or do a move that is programmed at the gym because my body is simply not there yet. I always have to remind myself of where I started and how far I have come.

6) What has been your biggest obstacle on your fitness journey?

My biggest obstacles in my fitness journey are mobility and mentality. I have extremely poor shoulder mobility which makes overhead squats and squat snatches very hard to accomplish. Even though I really want to skip days when those moves are programmed, I still go because working on your weaknesses is just as important as working on your strengths. My mentality is also something I struggle with, and I get very discouraged when I think I have done poorly in a workout. I tend to be extremely hard on myself and become my own worst critic. I cannot do a lot of moves at the gym, and I certainly cannot lift heavy, so I sometimes dwell on my weaknesses too much which gets me down, and I have to remind myself constantly to just get up the next morning, go to the gym, and put the work in.

7) What would your ideal day consist of?

My ideal day would be to start off with a long run in the morning, and then enjoy the day relaxing at the beach with Robbie and my two dogs.

8) What is something that no one knows about you?

Something that no one knows about me is that I actually have my WAG nutrition certification, and I am really considering getting either my L1 certification or a personal training certification. I have really found a passion in fitness that I want to share with others and would possibly like to pursue this as a career.

9) Who is your biggest inspiration?

My biggest inspiration would have to be my husband Robbie. He is the most ambitious and persistent person I have ever met, and when he has his mind set on something, nothing is going to stop him from reaching that goal. It took him a full year of convincing me to join a gym, and he never gave up until I finally said okay I will join. He pushes me to be my best self, and he has so much confidence in me which is something that I lack. He is the reason why I joined a gym, and why I have accomplished so much because he is always cheering for me in the corner.

10) What brought you to Roaster Barbell?

Robbie essentially brought me to Roaster Barbell. He followed Roaster Barbell on Instagram and was always impressed with the programming. Robbie even had Pete program for him personally and saw a big difference in his strength within a month, so we both decided we wanted to take our fitness to the next level and joined Roaster Barbell.

11) How has the gym influenced your life outside of the gym?

The gym has really given me confidence in myself and that I can accomplish the goals I set out to do. I have no background in lifting weights or strength training, so when I joined the gym, this was very intimidating to me, but now that I have built up some strength, my self-esteem has really improved. I also suffer from anxiety, and I really think the gym has helped me to take control of that part of myself as well. I sleep better, eat better, and just genuinely feel better as a whole.

12) What advice would you give someone who is on the fence about CrossFit and Roaster Barbell?

My advice to someone on the fence about CrossFit and Roaster Barbell would be to just do it and join. Roaster Barbell has such a great community of people who will always root for you, cheer you on, and suffer with you through an extremely difficult workout. I was extremely nervous and intimidated when I started here, but everyone starts somewhere, and as long as you show up and put in the work, you will see yourself change for the better and get to know some great people who push you to better yourself.

13) If you could go anywhere in the world for a day where would you go and why?

If I could go anywhere in the world for a day, I would go to basically any city in Italy. I love art and history, and to be able to explore either Venice or Florence for a day would be a dream come true.

14) Is there anything else you would like to add?

I am very thankful to be a part of the Roaster Barbell community. My husband and I have seen so many positive changes to our strength and endurance, and we love being a part of a great community of people who push you to be the best. The programming Roaster Barbell has provided to its community is the best out there, and you get nothing but the best there.




Thank you for taking the time to get to know Ashley and her journey! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!

CrossFit – Beginner’s Advice

You just joined a CrossFit gym and you couldn’t be more nervous and excited all at the same time. There are new movements, new words, even new equipment and gear you’ve never seen or heard of before. So what now? How should you navigate this new environment to get the most out of your experience? I asked social media for their input and below is a list of the responses that experienced CrossFitters want you to know as you get started. Everyone was a beginner at some point. I want to do my best to help you through your beginner phase. Enjoy!

1 – “Commit to at least 3 months to see lasting changes.”

2 – “Form > Weight. Be patient and give every workout your all.”

3 – “Don’t compare yourself to others.”

4 – “Get uncomfortable.”

5 – “Master the basic movements.”

6 – “Improve your mobility.”

7 – “Its you against you.”

8 – “Scale. Even experienced athletes scale.”

9 – “Listen to you body in training.”

10 – “Find a sustainable pace.”

11 – “Always start light with a PVC pipe.”

12 – “Enjoy the process. Thats where the fun is!”

13 – “You don’t have to be fit to start.”

14 – “Focus on technique and the weight will come.”

15 – “Listen to your coach.”

16 – “Its a marathon not a sprint.”

17 – “Have fun and leave your ego at the door.”

18 – “Its ok to scale.”

19 – “Have a growth mindset.”

20 – “Relax, you’ll get there!”

21 – “S T R E T C H”

22 – “Enjoy the ride and don’t rush.”

23 – “Its best not to compare, no one is you.”

24 – “Work hard and have fun.”

25 – “Stay within your abilities.”

26 – “Its worth the frustration learning new things.”

27 – “Keep showing up.”

28 – “Learn the lingo and terminology.”

29 – “Scale, scale, scale, scale.”

30 – “Keep showing up and don’t be afraid to scale.”

31 – “Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing.”

32 – Don’t compare your Chapter 1 to someone else’s Chapter 10″

33 – “Be patient!”

34 – “Always be learning.”

35 – “Learn how to navigate the gym safely when people are lifting.”

36 – “Form, technique, and efficiency over everything else.”

37 – “Warm-up shoulders properly!”

38 – “Buy your own jump rope and size it appropriately.”

39 – “Its your journey, no one else’s.”

40 – “Be consistent, keep showing up.”

41 – “Listen.”

42 – “Use gymnastics grips, not gloves.”

43 – “Scaling isn’t bad.”

44 – “We all had a day 1, you’ll be fine!”

45 – “Strength takes longer than you think.”

46 – “Your hands and wrists will acclimate to the movements eventually.”

47 – “Community will get you through it.”

48 – “Don’t cherry-pick workouts.”

49 – “Be coachable and willing to accept criticism.”

50 – “Burpees will always suck.”

Now, its time to get to work! If you would like to learn more about what we do at Roaster Barbell, simply send Coach Pete an email at or a text at 440-503-6712 and lets get you started!


Roaster Spotlight: Jen Petitt

From Coach Pete: When I think of Jen and her CrossFit journey so far, words like committed and dedicated come to mind. Day in and day out, Jen has put the work in to improve her skills and technique. Her ability to be coachable has earned her much success so far and I couldn’t be happier that Jen has found her home with us at Roaster Barbell. You deserve all the success that you have been enjoying! I cant wait to see whats next for you!


1) What is your why? What gets you out of bed in the morning?

The idea of becoming the best “me” that I can be and setting a good example for my son is what gets me out of bed in the morning. I use to be someone that was always focused on others and making sure everyone else was alright before I worried about myself. Over the last year, I have learned that I need to make myself a priority because I will not be able to continue to help others if I am on empty. 

2) What brought you to Roaster Barbell?

At the beginning of 2020, I was in a rough place mentally and physically and I decided that I needed to figure out how to make myself happy and healthy again. I started making better choices with nutrition and got back into running. After a few months of running, I got bored and wanted to try something new. I knew Nancy and Amanda both worked out at Roaster so I thought I would give it a try and I am glad that I did. It has been one of the best decisions I have made for both my physical and mental health. 

3) What is your favorite movement in the gym?

When I first started at Roaster, I would have said anything that had to do with running because that is my comfort zone. However, now I would say any of the gymnastics skills. I’m not great at them yet but every time that I make even the slightest improvement, it gets me excited to come back the next day and try again. 

4) What is your least favorite movements in the gym?

I would say that wallballs are probably my least favorite movement because I have a hard time catching the ball due to pain in my shoulder. I’m also not a big fan of the skierg but it’s growing on me. 

5) What is your biggest obstacle so far?

My biggest obstacle is getting out of my own head. I have always been a perfectionist and have high expectations for myself. I tend to get frustrated when I am not able to learn things as quickly as I want to, or do things as well as others, and then I want to give up. I am quickly learning that I need to stop comparing myself to others and focus on continuing to just get better each day. There is always going to be someone who is faster and stronger. My goal when I joined Roaster was to become healthier and as long as I continue to show up each day and push myself as hard as I can, than I am accomplishing that goal. 

6) What is your greatest accomplishment so far?

My greatest accomplishment at Roaster so far has actually just been stepping into the gym for the first time. I have always been incredibly shy and have severe anxiety when I am outside of my comfort zone. A year ago I would never have stepped foot into the gym out of fear but over the last year, I decided that the only way I can get better and be the best “me” I can be, is to step out of my comfort zone. So a few months ago, I pushed myself to walk through the door and I haven’t looked back since. 

7) If you could have lunch with anyone in history, who would you choose?

Daniel “Rudy” Ruettiger. Rudy has been one of my favorite movies ever since the first time I saw it. I even wrote my college entrance essay about it. I would love to just ask him how he was able to keep pushing through all the obstacles he went through in order to accomplish his goal even when everyone else told him he couldn’t do it.  

8) How has the gym affected your life outside of the gym?

The gym has helped me to feel comfortable in my own skin and has given me a lot more confidence. Over the last few months, I have had so many people tell me that they have seen changes in me and that I seem so much happier and the gym has played a big part in me making those changes.

9) What is the most important part of your day?

The most important part of my day is the time that I get to spend connecting with my son. He is an incredibly sweet and intelligent kid and getting to watch him get excited about things is what makes me happy. 

10) In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of life?

In my opinion, the most important aspect of life is relationships and connections with people. I have recently learned just how important my relationships with friends and family are. I have had some pretty rough times over the last year and a half and I don’t know where I would be without the support of these people in my life. 

11) If you had the choice, would you have infinite strength or infinite cardiovascular endurance?

I guess infinite cardiovascular endurance because running is my escape. When I am running, my mind wanders and I can forget about things that have been stressing me out and I usually feel better after.

12) Who is someone that you look up to and why?

Someone that I look up to is my dad. When I was younger, my dad was overweight and smoked. He lived by his motto, “I’d rather die fat and happy than skinny and miserable”. When my nephew was born, my dad finally decided to quit smoking so that he could be around for his grandkids, and that was 16 years ago. Then 5 years ago, when he retired, he decided he needed to take his health seriously and make some changes. He changed his diet, took up pickle ball (sometimes playing twice a day), and lost a lot of weight. He has worked really hard and become a much healthier version of himself, for himself and his family. The changes that I saw in him are what helped me to see that I could work toward making my own changes and become a much healthier person mentally and physically for myself and my own family. I hope to make him as proud of me as I am of him. 

13) What has been the most impactful thing you have learned in the gym about yourself?

I have learned that I am capable of a lot more than I think I am. I just have to have confidence in myself and not give up when things are hard. 

14) Is there anything else that you would like to add?

I am just very grateful for the Roaster community. It has really helped me on my journey to becoming the best version of “me” that I can be. I have met so many amazing people who are supportive and help push me to do things that I sometimes don’t think that I can do. This place has had an immense impact on both my mental and physical health and I am very thankful for that.




Thank you for taking the time to get to know Jen and her journey! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!

Why Roaster Barbell?

Even though over 1 billion people drink coffee everyday all over the world, only a small percent of those select a single origin bean from a respected roaster. Premium coffee is unique, and distinguished. Its virtuosity is immediately recognized. The roaster takes great pride in his craft and takes care of his product. It is sourced, purchased, prepared, and consumed with respect and integrity.

When creating a name for the community now known as Roaster Barbell, it didn’t take long to see the similarities between coffee and fitness. Roaster Barbell embraces the coffee roaster and his methods in delivering a world class product to a select group of individuals that have determined that average will no longer suffice.



Your Shoes Need Retired

Its that time again! Its time to get out and enjoy that cool spring air and starting building some miles into your training. But first, lets take a look at your shoes. Are you using the same shoes as last year? I mean, why not? Right?


Chances are your running shoes from last year need to be retired. In fact, your shoes have a lifetime that must be respected or else you may suffer the consequences. The miles you put on last years shoes have taken its toll, no doubt. As we accumulate miles on our running shoes, we compress the sole and midsole. Once this compression has created visible squish marks on the sole, your shoes are ready to get retired and replaced. This compression is not unusual, in fact, its on purpose to keep you safe! Knowing when to swap out your old running shoes could save you weeks of uncomfortable training and maybe even save you from having an injury.


So as the weather continues to improve here in Ohio, lets be aware of our gear and continue to train safely! If you need some guidance with your training, send Coach Pete a message and lets get you on a good path forward! Email:





Roaster Spotlight: Carrie Mayle

From Coach Pete: Carrie came to me in order to take her training to the next level. She was struggling with certain aspects of her training and she was looking to work her weaknesses in order to compete in the sport of CrossFit. Fast forward 9 months and Carrie has not only overcome her weaknesses but she has become an absolute machine of a masters athlete at 37 years young. This came as no surprise to me because Carrie is relentless in her pursuit of excellence. We are so happy to have you, Carrie. Thank you for helping make our community so strong. The future is bright!
1) What is your why? What gets you out of bed in the morning?
My favorite quote is “Be the best you” so why not live up to that!  Life is so short. We have been given the gift to be here and make the most of each day, so I try to start each day as a new begining. Let go of yesterdays bad but learn from it. Do something each day to not only maximize on your life but to also brighten someone elses.
2) What brought you to Roaster Barbell?
I had followed Roaster for a few years prior to joining and was blown away by the athletes and their abilities. I also have done a few competitions with or against Roaster gym members.  The members I had met in the past have always been so welcoming and genuinely just great people.  I almost came to one of the New Years Eve workouts in the past but chickened out lol.  During covid I buddied up and did facetime workouts with Carmelo out of our own garages. I met Shawn who convinced me to do Murph with him at Roaster (I was so nervous because walking into new places gives me anxiety), who brought me back to a few more classes over the summer and eventually I signed up as a remote athlete. The workouts were extremely hard in the begining and nothing like what I was used to. The wods that are done at Roaster are very different, I questioned many times if I could do them and thought about giving up but I am glad I didn’t because I am starting to see the progress now and it has made it all worth it.
3) What is your favorite movement in the gym?
Oh man. My list of favorites has grown over the past few months. Anything gymnastics or that is in favor of me being vertically challenged lol (I am 5’).
4) What is your least favorite movements in the gym?
Thats easy! Concept2 machines!
5) What is your biggest obstacle so far?
The unexpected. I have learned that nothing EVER goes as planned. I take each moment as they come and just roll with the punches. I used to be a planner but somehow life just keeps getting crazier. Throw covid into the mix this year but running a business with hours that never stop. Being a single mom, homeowner, pets, school closings/delays, myself, staff or child getting sick etc
6) What is your greatest accomplishment so far?
My biggest accomplishment was pretty much 2019. I completed the open in March, then signed up for the Ironman 70.3 with a few friends to honor  a close friend who passed away from brain cancer during the open. I learned how to swim, bought a bike and trained my brain to survive running more than 3 miles (I hated running). 2019 summer was tough, training 5 sports (weightlifting, crossfit, running, biking and swimming) being a single mother and running a business.  I completed the Ironman in July and then refocused 100% back to CrossFit and made the online qualifier in November in the Masters division.
7) If you could have lunch with anyone in history, who would you choose?
My grandmother. She was the best cook, we would play euchre after we ate and her stories were the best.  She was one of those Grandmas that said what she wanted and just didn’t care lol.
8) How has the gym affected your life outside of the gym?
The gym is my “me” time. It is my release from life. It is a place that I can continue to grow, feel accomplished and it helps build my self confidence. The gym has brought on new friendships and surrounding myself around people who are positive and encouraging. Having the gym keeps me on a routine and helps me to not get lost or sucked into the negative parts of life. It’s a stress reliever.
9) What is the most important part of your day?
Most important part to my day is lifting. I impatiently wait for 9pm hour to see what the next days workouts will be. Two other favorite parts of my day is when I finally lay down in my bed. I am a person that tries to get 10,000 things done in a 16 hour time frame and if I stop or sit down then I will probably pass out. So when everything is finally done and I am able to crash, it feels amazing. The other part of my day that I look forward to and really enjoy is my sons bedtime routine. We read in his bed before I tuck him in and tell him goodnight.
10) In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of life?
Family, Friendships, Happiness, Hard Work, Love and to always stay true to who you are.
11) If you had the choice, would you have infinite strength or infinite cardiovascular endurance?
Strength. Everyday life needs strength more then endurance.  Carrying a case of water, holding a child, moving furniture, carrying a laundry basket, moving rocks or logs etc
12) Who is someone that you look up to and why?
David Goggins. He made something of himself from nothing. He stays true to himself.  He blocks out the negative noise and always rises above. He pushes through pain and accomplishes the unthinkable.  Goggins is very motivating and shares his journey, the struggles and is relatable.  Goggins was a huge driving factor of my ironman training and when things would get tough during that training, I asked myself “What would Goggins do?” Thats all it took for me to snap back mentally and finish what ever it was I had to accomplish.
13) What has been the most impactful thing you have learned in the gym about yourself?
The mental game! The mind is so powerful. The body can do just about anything but its the mind you have to train. I have learned that 99% of my failures are becasue I failed myself mentally before or during the training session.  I have always battled self doubt, the fear of not being good enough or living up to expectations but fighting through these workouts have helped me fight through these negative demons and transition them. I am no longer looking at my struggles as black/white failures but finding a positive, learning and celebrating the wins of the progress. Pushing through the mental desire to quit when it is hard and realizing I have weaknesses and the only way to turn them into strenghts is to start somewhere and just keep pushing.
14) Is there anything else that you would like to add?
Thank you to the Roaster community for accepting me, pushing me and all that you have done. Like I said earlier, new places give me anxiety but you all have been so welcoming. Joining this community has been one of the best things to happen in 2020.



Thank you for taking the time to get to know Carrie and her journey! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!

2021 CrossFit Kids Registration!


Thank you! At this time, this set of 10 classes is 100% full.

Parents! Let’s get your little ones moving!

In a world filled with tablets, computer screens, and video games your child’s activity is in need of a jumpstart. Our CrossFit Kids program is just the thing to get your 6-12 year old moving while having fun at the same time. This 60 min class will take place every Sunday at Noon at Roaster Barbell. We are limiting this to the first 16 registered kids in order to maintain proper social distancing. The cost for this program is $130 and will include all 10 classes.

The dates for this set of classes are as follows:

NOON – Sunday, January 17, 2021

NOON – Sunday, January 24, 2021

NOON – Sunday, January 31, 2021

NOON – Sunday, February  7, 2021

NOON – Sunday, February  14, 2021

NOON – Sunday, February  21, 2021

NOON – Sunday, February  28, 2021

NOON – Sunday, March  7, 2021

NOON – Sunday, March  14, 2021

NOON – Sunday, March  21, 2021

Program Expectations: The goal of our CrossFit Kids program is to actively encourage your children to learn about fitness through games, skills, and teamwork. This hour long class is sure to keep your kids engaged and entertained while safely coaching them in a small group atmosphere.

Thank you for your interest in our CrossFit Kids program and we look forward to see you and your family! Please email Coach Pete at if you have any questions or concerns.

The Open: 2021

Every year, hundreds of thousands of athletes from around the world participate in the largest CrossFit event in the world. We call this event The Open. The Open is the first of multiple stages designed to find the fittest on Earth in multiple divisions. What makes The Open unique is that the participants get to complete the workouts from their Affiliate with their own community and coaches. In 2021, The Open will begin Thursday, March 11th and will last for about three weeks. Every week, the director of The CrossFit Games, Dave Castro, will release a workout or two that must be completed and submitted within a small window if it is to be officially counted.

So what does this mean for the average CrossFitter? With the ultimate goal of The CrossFit Games to find the fittest on Earth, where do you fit into this equation? Thats a great question! At Roaster Barbell, we use The Open as an opportunity to get together, have some fun, and compete against ourselves. The Open is a way of being part of something bigger than ourselves.

For some, The Open is their opportunity to do something they’ve never done before. Things are always impossible, until they’re not. Maybe double unders have been your goat. Or maybe, you’re looking for that extra motivation to get that first pull-up. The Open offers those opportunities and much more.

The Open is inclusive. In recent years CrossFit HQ has made a concerted effort in making The Open accessible to anyone. 2021 will be no different. Just like any CrossFit class in the world, The Open is infinitely scalable meaning anyone, of any ability can throw down with the rest of the world and have some fun in the process.

For some, The Open is their ultimate proving grounds, their Super Bowl of the fitness world. And for some its just another workout of the day and an opportunity to get better. At the end of the day, lets not forget why all of us are involved with CrossFit and fitness in general; we are pursuing improved health and fitness while improving our quality of life. The Open is just another arena for this to take place!

You can learn more and read the 2021 Official Rulebook HERE!

-Coach Pete

Member Spotlight: Cassie Gaye

From Coach Pete: Cassie is one of those athletes that is just special. Whether its her ability to learn new things quickly, be supportive of others, or her desire to become the best version of herself, she just gets it done with all of her heart. One of the most important characteristics an athlete can have in order to be successful is their ability to be coachable. Her ability to accept criticism and apply it moving forward has allowed her to overcome many obstacles on her journey. Being a coach herself at the high school varsity level has given her great perspective on how to be coachable and be a great teammate. Besides her high level performance in the gym, her ability to influence and help others is really where she excels. Cassie is truly a great teammate and everything a coach could want in an athlete. This is why her success is far from a surprise. Thank you Cassie for your continued effort and your ability to lift others up around you.



1 – What is your “why”? What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My goal is to be the best version of myself everyday for Zola, my family, Jillian, my friends and for whoever needs me to help get themselves out of bed in the morning (students, colleagues, the people at the coffee shop, members at the gym, etc.).

2 – If you could accomplish 1 thing in the next 10 years, athletically or professionally, what would that be?

Stop living to work and start working to live.

3 – What brought you to Roaster Barbell?

100% the Community. Around this time 3-Years ago I walked into Roaster 1.0 with a huge list of all the things (I thought) I couldn’t do. I saw the professionalism and the culture of accountability that Pete instilled in the gym and I was all in. You are the average of the people you surround yourself with. There are still things I can’t do, yet, but I know I will get there with the help of the people in this gym.

4 – What is your favorite thing to do in the gym?

Long WODs with some kind of barbell work involved.

(And shooting the shit with everyone before, during and after class! Some of our random conversations make my day!)

5 – What is your least favorite thing in the gym?

Any isometric accessory stuff.

6 – How has your training in the gym impacted your life outside of the gym?

(1) Major anxiety & stress relief! Getting your workout done before the sunrises is the best way to start your day off with a WIN. This rolls into (2) Enjoying life’s little moments more. When you find a routine and discipline your mind feels less cluttered and starts creating space to let the good stuff in. This helps with (3) building relationships. Slowing down and taking the time to get to know people is also part of the “good stuff.” (4) Confidence. Achieving a goal, mentally pushing through a challenge, and physically feeling better is a major confidence boost. You stand a little taller knowing what you can do.

7 – In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of life?


8 – If you could be any professional CF Games Athlete, who would you be and why?

Julie Foucher, currently a medical student at the Cleveland Clinic. She just seems like the type of person that does CrossFit because it improves her wellbeing, not for the trophy, which is what most of us are here for! She makes a living helping others who are sick and on her free time she shares her insight on how to live a healthier life. Knowledge is powerful but it is even more powerful when it is shared with others.

9 – What aspects of health and fitness do you find most difficult and why?

Diet and Nutrition. Working out is easy. You make time for it, you go to the gym, and you’re surrounded by people who are there for the same reasons as you. Going out with friends, going to a restaurant, family parties, or living with a person who may not particularly value it as much as you do makes it hard to eat the things you should. Also, life is fast! There’s no denying it can be hard to make time to actually cook for yourself versus stopping somewhere quick for lunch.

10 – If you had the choice, would you rather have infinite strength, or infinite cardiovascular endurance?

Strength. As long as I have an able body I better be able to stand it up tall.

11 – What would you say to someone that asks you about the gym and was looking to get started?

You will always have weaknesses and there will always be someone better than you. Get over it. Comparison is the thief of joy. Set goals for yourself and when you achieve them, no matter how small, celebrate them. You’ll love this place because I guarantee the people you start to workout with on a daily basis will notice and celebrate with you!

13 – Do you have anything else you would like to add?

Go Browns.




Thank you for taking the time to get to know Cassie! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!