Roaster Spotlight: Alicia Graham

From Coach Pete: One of my favorite parts of coaching is watching people transform not only physically, but mentally in the gym. Alicia started at Roaster Barbell with zero CrossFit experience and in two short years has become one of the highest performing athletes as well as one of the toughest mentally. Alicia’s success is no accident and I look forward to seeing what else she is capable of! Thank you, Alicia, for being such an important part of our community! You have worked so hard and this recognition is well deserved. #teamroasterbarbell

1) What is your why? What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My why is for my kids. I want to set a good example for a healthy lifestyle, and I also want to be able to keep up with their endless energy! I place high value on exercising, so my hope is that they see their mom enjoying physical activities and want to incorporate that into their routine for the rest of their lives.

2) What is your most meaningful goal? Could be life or fitness or anything.

My most meaningful goal is to be happy with myself both emotionally and physically, and I think those two things are related in so many ways. For me, CrossFit has provided a way to challenge and nurture both my emotional and physical needs.

3) If you could have lunch with anyone ever, who would it be and why?

Family is so important to me. I would like to have lunch with my Grandma. My dad’s mom died when I was young and I never really got to know her. From the stories I’ve heard, she overcame a lot of challenges in her life and I would love to know more about her.

4) What is your favorite part of training?

Without a single doubt, the community. The Roaster community has to be the most uplifting and encouraging group of people I have ever met. This doesn’t take away from how hardworking everyone is either. I have watched myself over the last year transform into a person I never even knew existed, and I have the people that surround me to thank for that. They push me to be a better version of myself, give me the strength to push through hard workouts, and tips and tricks to obtain new skills. I am forever grateful.

5) What is your least favorite part of training?

My least favorite part is when I start to feel like I’m working really hard and not making progress. I know that this is all part of the process, but it’s very frustrating, and an obstacle that needs to be overcome mentally.

6) What has been your biggest obstacle on your fitness journey?

My biggest obstacle has been patience. I’m an impulse person and need/want things to happen immediately. I’ve recognized that the success of my personal goals is a long journey with plenty of ups and downs, but I’m here for it.

7) What would your ideal day consist of?

My ideal day is working out in the morning, brunch with my gal pals (including mimosas of course), get some shopping in, and then end the day hanging with my family.

8) What is something that no one knows about you?

I struggle with anxiety. I’ve struggled with it since the passing of my brother five years ago. I was in a pretty rough state for quite a while but I have since learned to accept it as part of who I am, and I’ve learned how to manage it.

9) Who is your biggest inspiration?

My mom. She is the type of person I can only hope to become. She is so selfless even though she has been through so much in her life. I look up to her in so many ways and she will always hold a special place in my heart. I hope my daughter Grace and I have the same special bond that my mom and I share.

10) What brought you to Roaster Barbell?

Rachel Stallard! She has been on me since the day I met her! It was covid times and my job had moved to completely virtual so I was doing home gym at the time, which was definitely not giving me the results I wanted. She finally convinced me to give it a try and I was instantly hooked.

11) How has the gym influenced your life outside of the gym?

I would have to say I’m more disciplined. I think it takes discipline to be consistent in anything you care to do well. CF has taught me that consistency equals results. This includes progress in the gym, my nutritional habits and my job at NASA.

12) What advice would you give someone who is on the fence about Roaster Barbell?

Do it! You honestly have nothing to lose and only everything to gain. It can be scary trying something new, but if you’re willing to learn, everyone is rooting for your success at Roaster! The coaching, the community, the confidence in learning a new skill or getting a PR is something that can’t be explained until you’ve lived it. It is the greatest feeling in the world.

13) If you could go anywhere in the world for a day where would you go and why?

I would go to Tahiti to stay in one of those over-the-water huts. It’s definitely number one on my bucket list. I’m most happy when I’m on a beach or at a tropical destination, probably because I’ve only ever lived in Ohio where it’s miserable nine months out of the year. My husband and I have spent most of our relationship checking off beach destinations. Now if only I could win the lottery to make that happen….

14) Is there anything else you would like to add?

I would like to thank Coach Pete for selecting me for this spotlight! I really am grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts and hopefully encourage others to join our madness! We do some crazy things inside the gym, but my favorite part is the conversations we have between sets and before or after class (despite Pete’s gentle megaphone reminders to stay on task). Also, the moms class is the best!


Thank you for taking the time to get to know Alicia and her journey! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!

Roaster Spotlight: Kevin Romaniuk

From Coach Pete: Kevin’s journey is pretty special to me as a coach. Not only do I have the privilege of having Kevin as a client in the gym, but I get to have Kevin as a friend as well. Its been incredible to watch Kevin’s growth as an athlete and person. The gym is his sanctuary where he gets to forge the life he wants to live. Its always important to remember that most people are fighting a battle that no one knows about. Although Kevin has been battling MS for the last 9 years, you wouldn’t know it. He is committed to not allowing his diagnosis to define him or what he can or can’t do. To say that I am proud of Kevin doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel about his progress. Thank you, Kevin, for choosing Roaster Barbell as your home and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish next!

1) What is your why? What gets you out of bed in the morning? 

For my “why” is broken down into 3 parts:

A – My health. Being able to move pain free is always my goal.

B – I enjoy the process. I enjoy seeing myself get better everyday no matter what. 

C – I know that there is no one coming to save me. I have goals in mind, just wishing and thinking about them will not make them come true. Get to work!

2) What is your most meaningful goal? Could be life or fitness or anything.

My most meaningful goal is to move down south near my cousin. My cousin had such a positive impact on my life when I was little (4 to 6 years old) and gave me the sibling feeling that I never got to experience. Now I feel like I need to give back to his children, like he did to me.

For CrossFit, I would just like to be able to compete to the best of my abilities for as long as I can and have fun while doing it. Even when my abilities diminish, my next fitness goal will still be the same.

3) If you could have lunch with anyone ever, who would it be and why?

If I could have lunch with anyone ever, it would be my sister Andrea. She passed away from a rare form of Brain Cancer, and I was only 4 years old at the time. Even though I was only 4 years old at the time, I still have great memories of the times I got to spend with her. There are just some things that you need to get of your chest or things that only an older sibling could help you with. Plus I would love to tell her that I love her, since I never got to say goodbye. 

4) What is your favorite part of training?

I don’t think I just have ONE favorite part of training but if I had to choose would be any type of cardio work on a machine. I enjoy the friends and community that I get to see on a daily basis, who push me to be better and how I push them be better.

 5) What is your least favorite part of training?

My least favorite part of training is anything with box jumps. When I first joined, I don’t think there wasn’t a week where I didn’t fall from attempting box jumps. 

6) What has been your biggest obstacle on your fitness journey?

My biggest obstacle on my fitness journey is self-doubt. This one hurts me, because sometimes my mind becomes weak and I settle back in to what is comfortable. Comfortable for me is me being fat, eating for the enjoyment and not to fuel my body for the next day. 

7) What would your ideal day consist of?

Wake up get some breakfast, head out and play a quick nine holes of golf and finish the morning with a workout at Roaster. Then use the afternoon for a quick trip south, to hang with my family and finish up a tattoo project. Dinner at a nice steakhouse and then a red eye back home. 

8) What is something that no one knows about you?

One thing that no one knows about me is that I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis back in April 2013. Its not something that I talk about all the time, mainly because I won’t let this disease control my life.  Much of the pain I deal with is not visible but is there about 85% of the time. 

9) Who is your biggest inspiration?

I have two inspirations. One is super close to me which would be my Grandpa, Robert Beahr. He taught me how to be true to myself and to love. I will be forever grateful for the stories and photos he would share. One thing he would always say to me before I left is “Keep your head on straight”. 

The other would be David Goggins. He inspired me to break that mold of giving up and taught me how to push past the hard parts. On the other side of the hard parts, is a lesson that we are truly stronger than what we believe. 

10) What brought you to Roaster Barbell?

I was looking for something different in my training. For the past decade, I have been working out by myself and doing what I thought was right. Sure, this worked for a short period but I needed to be pushed. I had no idea that Roaster was the right spot for me, but I am glad that I chose this gym to push me.

11) How has the gym influenced your life outside of the gym?

Roaster has just made me generally a happier person since I have joined. It allowed me to get rid of some “toxic” relationships and replace them with relationships that I know people care about me and want me to improve. I have gained confidence which helps immensely with my anxiety. 

12) What advice would you give someone who is on the fence about Roaster Barbell?

Jump in head first. The first day or even couple of weeks can seem very stressful, but if you continue to show up, I promise you will be shocked at how strong you are. The community that Pete has built over the years is by far the greatest part of the gym, so why not be part of it!

13) If you could go anywhere in the world for a day where would you go and why?

Japan. I would love to see the cherry blossoms bloom and follow them all the way through Japan while hitting up major cities to take in all the crazy technology. A bonus would be eating fresh sushi that doesn’t break the wallet!

14) Is there anything else you would like to add?

Don’t suck!


Thank you for taking the time to get to know Kevin and his journey! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!

Roaster Spotlight: Annmarie Percic

From Coach Pete: Consistency is by far one of the most important factors to success. From time to time, Roaster Barbell will have attendance challenges to really test the members consistency. Not long ago, we wrapped up our latest attendance challenge and this is where Annmarie first stood out to me. At the time, Annmarie was a brand new athlete in the Roaster Barbell community and she was just beginning to learn the ins and outs of her new gym. Not only did she accept the challenge, she didn’t miss a day. At this point, I knew Annmarie would be able to have tremendous success with our community. Recently, I was asked what kind of athlete best represents Roaster Barbell and Annmarie is exactly that. She works hard, has big goals, and wants what is best for everyone! Im so happy you are here, Annmarie. I look forward to watching your continued success and thank you for trusting me to help you along the way! #teamroasterbarbell

1) What is your why? What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My why is to be better than I was yesterday. Consistency is the key to anything in life. I get out of bed because working out is the best way for me to start my day.

2) What is your most meaningful goal?

My most meaningful goal is to leave a legacy, I want to be remembered by my family and others that I made them feel special, and that my character and integrity were admired by those around me. One of my favorite quotes from a pastor friend of mine is “people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”

3) If you could have lunch with anyone ever, who would it be and why?

If it was someone alive today, then I would have to say David Goggins. I read his book and I am awe-inspired by his work ethic in his fitness journey. I would want to know what makes him tick, and how he has control over his mind and body the way he does, how he overcame such adversity in his life to get where he was able to go. (If you have not read his book, go get it, “Can’t Hurt Me”)

*Not here on earth, would have to be my dad, just to let him know that he taught me so much more than he knew that he did, and that he would be very proud of how my brother and I have grown his business and continued his legacy.

4) What is your favorite part of training?

The different challenges of each wod. Seeing how far I can push myself. Training also increases my self confidence.

5) What is your least favorite part of training?

Not being able to perform a movement. (I am going to work fervently in 2022 to get pull-ups, dubs, and have more confidence in my rope climbs.)

6) What has been your biggest obstacle on your fitness journey?

Time, I wish I had extra time to put a little more work in each week. I am going to work on that in the new year.

7) What would your ideal day consist of?

Working out, breakfast, beach time, paddleboarding, dinner, sleep. (you did say ideal, lol, this would not be in Cleveland of course)

8) What is something that no one knows about you?

This is a trick question for me, I would have to say that most people don’t know that I have a full back tattoo, and are very surprised when they find out that I do.

9) Who is your biggest inspiration?

My biggest inspiration is my daughter Kennedi. She has always inspired me to be the best I can be. She believes in me way more than I believe in myself. The battles she has overcome and to be where she is today in her CrossFit journey is very inspiring to me and others around her.

10) What brought you to Roaster Barbell?

I was in search of a new crossfit gym. I was looking for something a little more challenging, with an awesome community and coach.

11) How has the gym influenced your life outside of the gym?

It helps me to make better choices nutrition wise, I have more self-confidence in my day to day activities and roles. Being strong physically helps in being strong mentally.

12) What advice would you give someone who is on the fence about Roaster Barbell?

Definitely give it a try, I was intimidated at first because I knew that Roaster had many elite athletes and I wasn’t sure I would fit in. I was pleasantly surprised to find athletes of all caliber there. Most importantly I can say that the coach believes in his athletes, no matter what level.

13) If you could go anywhere in the world for a day where would you go and why?

I would go to southern Italy to see my great aunt and my relatives. It was my last vacation with my dad the year that he passed, and I have wanted to go back there ever since, not to mention authentic Italian food is amazing!

14) Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you for this opportunity. I am honored to be in the spotlight, first time ever. Thank you for noticing my hard work. I am really enjoying the programming and the community. I am so happy I took that leap that day when Meg invited me. I know I made an awesome decision, just wish I would have started sooner.


Thank you for taking the time to get to know Annmarie and her journey! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!

Stacking Paper

Fitness often seems like an insurmountable mountain. No matter how hard you try, you just feel like you are not moving the needle. You want tangible results and you want them sooner than later. You work your ass off but feel discouraged when you don’t feel like your effort is reflected in your results. This isn’t a unique problem, in fact, its pretty common. Maybe you made a series of poor decisions and you feel like you sabotaged all of your hard work.

I want you to change the way you look at your fitness. Imagine you have a big stack of paper. Each sheet represents a workout, a meal, or your recovery. Every moment that adds to your fitness is a sheet. This stack of paper as a whole represents where you are with your fitness. When you have a great workout, you add a sheet to the pile. When you enjoy a well balanced meal and get 8 hours of sleep, you add a sheet of paper.

On the flip side, you take a sheet away when you go out for beers after work. You take a sheet away for missing a workout and you take a sheet away when you eat like crap. Maybe you had to stay up late and finish a project for school, take away a sheet.

The purpose of the paper metaphor is for you to recognize that one bad moment doesn’t undo all of the hard work you have accumulated and one amazing workout isn’t going to grow the stack like crazy. We are the sum of all of the decisions to this point. The goal is to keep stacking paper but realize that the road to your goals isn’t going to be linear. Sometimes you will stumble, its cool, you’re human. The most important decision is the next one. There’s nothing you can do to change the past, but you can change your trajectory with just one decision.

One of the worst ways to track your own progress is to compare your stack of paper to someone else’s stack. The former college athlete that has been stacking paper for 25 years is going to be in a different place than you and thats ok. Keep your eyes on your own stack and keep stacking!

-Coach Pete

Roaster Spotlight: Abbey Ratcliff

From Coach Pete: Today’s spotlight is a special one. Abbey has been one of the most consistent athletes through one of the craziest years in history. Not only is today Abbey’s spotlight day, but its also her last day at the gym as life is taking her onto her next journey (which happens to be just a little too far away). Although its always tough to see good people go, I couldn’t be happier for Abbey and her future. Her success in her professional career, and her success in the gym are not surprising considering how smart and talented she is. She has a great heart and we will truly miss her and her energy in class. Thank you, Abbey, for trusting Roaster Barbell and myself with your fitness. You will always be welcome here 🙂


1) What is your why? What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My purpose is definitely to be a light in the lives of my family, friends, and students. The people in my life are the most important thing to me, and I want them to feel noticed and appreciated every single day.

2) What is your most meaningful goal? Could be life or fitness or anything.

Even though this is super general (and not as specific as most of my goals are) my most meaningful goal is the same as my “why” – to have a positive effect on the people in my life. There is so much negativity in the world, if I can make one person smile or recognize their worth each day, I consider it a success.

3) If you could have lunch with anyone ever, who would it be and why?

I would love to share a meal with my Great-Grandpa Champa. I’m very interested in family history – not just the big events, but the ins-and-outs of everyday life. My grandpa grew up during the depression, trained as a golden gloves boxer, and had so much love for his wife, taking her polka dancing on Tuesday nights. He passed away when I was pretty young, after battling dementia, so I never had the chance to hear about his life experiences or personal values first hand. He seemed like such a quality man though (not to mention he could do double-unders into his 70s!) so I would absolutely love to speak with him now as an adult.

4) What is your favorite part of training?

My favorite part of training is the feeling of both accomplishment and absolute exhaustion at the end of a tough workout. It feels so good to see persistence and consistency pay off, both in myself and the rest of the team, after overcoming such a challenge.

5) What is your least favorite part of training?

My least favorite part of training is when I realize mid-WOD that I’ve scaled something inappropriately. Sometimes it’s difficult to gauge what I’m capable of (or not…) and when the scale is either too easy or too hard I know that I’m not getting the highest quality workout. I like to keep up with the pace of those around me but also challenge myself, and sometimes it’s hard to balance that out!

6) What has been your biggest obstacle on your fitness journey?

The biggest obstacle on my fitness journey has been learning to overcome challenges involving body image and disordered eating. There are so many conflicting messages about nutrition and how women’s bodies should look, despite what really results in the best overall health (not just physically, but mentally as well…) It has been beyond helpful to see how my performance in the gym is directly linked to my eating habits and giving my body the nourishment it needs. Beyond that, there are so many strong women in our gym that I look up to and am constantly in awe of – they are living proof that women of every size and stature can be incredibly strong and fit.

7) What would your ideal day consist of?

When I was in high school, my martial arts instructor asked me where I would be if I could be anywhere in the world, and I said, “Right here.” I’ve been super intentional about designing a life that I love day in and day out. If I had one ideal day to live, I would wake up early and drink a black coffee while sitting outside watching the sun rise. I would still go to work for the first half of the day, but would cancel normal class and treat my kiddos to a morning of extra recess instead, where I’d join in on their games of 4-square and make-believe. After school, I would still hit the gym (and pray for a WOD with some running but absolutely no sled-pull!) At the end of the day, I would plan a bonfire at my childhood home and invite all of my family and friends to revisit memories from our past and make Reese’s cup s’mores. Later that night, I would lay out in the field with those who are closest to me and we would listen to the crickets and bullfrogs while watching the stars.

8) What is something that no one knows about you?

It’s not a secret that I’ve kept a journal since I was about 12 years old, but those journals add up over time. There are about 20 notebooks completely full of my memories, hopes, and dreams in a storage bin in my parents’ barn. I started the habit as a kid because I was worried that when I got old I would forget all of the details of my life…now I’ve got more than enough cringey entries (that I sometimes wish I could forget!)

9) Who is your biggest inspiration?

I don’t think I can choose one singular person to be my inspiration. Instead, there are qualities that I see in those closest to me who I aspire to be like. My father is beyond disciplined. My mother is full of understanding. My siblings have a creativity and sense of humor that goes beyond all else. My boyfriend has an incredible work ethic as well as sincerity in both his words and actions. I aspire to be like my students, who greet each day with a sense of wonder, adventure, and excitement, and can find laughter and joy in the smallest of things. There are so many amazing people in my life – I can’t choose just one!

10) What brought you to Roaster Barbell?

I was in a pretty low place at the beginning of 2020 and, trying to feel better, made a list of things to look forward to throughout the year. I didn’t have anything super exciting on the list for January and had always wanted to try Crossfit, so I took the plunge and reached out. Best. Decision. Ever.

11) How has the gym influenced your life outside of the gym?

Believe it or not, the gym has actually made me a better teacher! One specific connection that I’ve gained (which is a bit niche) is how scaling a workout is a perfect parallel to differentiating lessons for my kiddos at school. For work of any kind to be motivating, it needs to be challenging but in the realm of possibility, whether that’s at the gym or in math class.

12) What advice would you give someone who is on the fence about CrossFit and Roaster Barbell?

Just do it. Schedule your intro lessons, take a deep breath, and give it a try. If you’re brave enough to show up at a random warehouse you’ve never been to before (lol), you’ve got what it takes to make it through your first class. Everyone is very welcoming and supportive here  – it’s not quite as intimidating as it seems!


Thank you for taking the time to get to know Abbey and her journey! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!

2021 Roaster Spring Apparel

Hey there! If you are looking for the spring swag, you’ve come to the right place. Check out the awesomeness below and simply shoot Coach Pete an email or text with the items you want to rock. Your balance will be added to your June 1st membership payment or you can bring in cash when the order arrives. Thank you for the support!

Email:       Text: 440-503-6712



Roaster Spotlight: Katy McManamon

From Coach Pete: Katy and her family have truly enhanced our community for the better. I’ve had the pleasure of working with not only Katy and her husband Scott, but both of their children as well. Katy is a great example of someone that was hesitant to join classes but gave it a shot and thrived! Watching her grow in the gym has been very rewarding and she deserves all the credit for working hard, dumping the excuses, and truly embracing her training. The sky is the limit and I’m excited to see whats next for Katy!
1) What is your why? What gets you out of bed in the morning?
I get out of bed in the morning for myself and my family. I think that when you feel good on a personal level, it is reflected in everything else that you do throughout your day.
2) What is your most meaningful goal?
To set a good example for my kids. To show them that physical exercise should be a part of your day no matter what stage of life you are in. Also, that it is never too late to try something new and succeed.
3) If you could have lunch with anyone ever, who would it be and why?
Dan Levy. He is hysterical and I love anyone that can make me laugh!
4) What is your favorite part of training?
I love that every day is different. I never get bored! I also love that I am always learning new things and that you can constantly be setting new goals for yourself.
5) What is your least favorite part of training?
I can honestly say that I hate any workout that involves burpees. But, I never regret doing them because they are so good for your body and I feel great afterwards.
6) What has been your biggest obstacle on your fitness journey?
I think just being ok with who I am and where I am at as an athlete. There are a lot of skills that I will probably never be able to do, but that isn’t going to stop me from trying my absolute best.
7) What would your ideal day consist of?
Obviously starting my day off with a workout at Roaster! Then transporting myself and my family to a beach (ideally Hilton Head, our favorite vacation spot) relax with a good book and a night out to dinner.
8) What is something that no one knows about you?
A lot of people don’t know that I ran cross country in high school. I think that is why I am one of the few people that actually enjoys the workouts with running incorporated in them.
9) Who is your biggest inspiration?
There are a lot of people that inspire me in various aspects of my life. But as far as CrossFit goes, Theresa Demich. Hands down. She is proof that there are no excuses and no matter where you are in life, you can be physically fit and healthy. She is so positive and enthusiastic about the sport!
10) What brought you to Roaster Barbell?
After a lot of persuading from my husband, Scott, and a friend, I pretty much wasn’t given a choice, but to start coming to Roaster. I fell in love with CrossFit instantly!
11) How has the gym influenced your life outside of the gym?
I have gained a lot more confidence in myself which has made me a more positive, happy person. I will be forever grateful that I took this chance and tried something new!
12) What advice would you give someone that is on the fence about CrossFit and Roaster Barbell?
I hear people say that they need to get in shape before they can try CrossFit. No you don’t! You actually get in shape by coming to CrossFit! Roaster Barbell is such a positive, encouraging environment. All shapes, sizes and abilities welcome!
13) If you could go anywhere in the world for a day, where would you go and why?
Lake Louise in Canada. It looks like the most beautiful place on earth. Definitely on my bucket list!


Thank you for taking the time to get to know Katy and her journey! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!