Member Spotlight: Ryan Rohde

From Coach Pete:
Ryan has been a leader in this community since day 1, and even before our doors were open. I sit in a unique position where I get to watch people grow and progress through the years. Ryan’s progress has been outstanding through the past 4 years, starting as a video game playing teenager, and progressing into a hero to many as a fireman and paramedic. As a community, we couldnt be more proud of the man he is today. Thank you for your loyalty and hard work through the years, Ryan. It has not gone unnoticed and your best years are yet to come. Continue with what got you to this point and the sky is the limit! Thank you! -Pete
1. How does CrossFit impact your career?
CrossFit impacts my career in a lot of ways. Being a FireFighter/Paramedic I need to be in good overall shape and health. From the simpilest things as picking up a skinny elderly lady, or having to pick up a person who weighs over 300lbs, to having to wear fire gear and move hose. I know it sounds and looks easy when we do it but, heres some numbers to help paint a better picture. Our fire gear weighs around a 65lbs. That’s the boots, turnout pants and coat, and SCBA. That’s not including the tools you have to carry in with you or the hose you have to move. One 100ft section of 2.5 inch hose filled with water weighs over 200lbs. And we on average usually use 200ft. While we typically use a 1.75 inch hose for most fires, when it comes to use the 2.5 hose (which isn’t uncommon)
you know that you’re gonna have to work hard and you better be ready. Okay, now take everything that i just told you and do it with a limited amount of oxygen. Our tanks are 45min bottle tanks…. you’re lucky if you last 30mins on the 45min bottle tank. If you are really working you’ll probably be able to make that bottle last around 20-25mins. That’s why it’s so important to work on your breathing while wearing the SCBA tanks and breathing air. That is why I do CrossFit for my career. It helps with my strength to be able to do all the lifting but also, helps me with my cardio that way I am able to last longer.
2. What have you learned about yourself through training with the CrossFit methodology?
What have I learned…. I’ve learned that sometimes you are not as good at something as you once thought. But, I’ve also learned that you are better at some things that you wouldn’t have thought you would be good at. I’ve learned that I can push myself a lot harder than what I thought was possible. I’ve learned that we all have bad days and good days even while working out. Even if you did bad during the workout the most important thing is that you showed up and did the best you could do at that time. Because, you can’t change the moment, you can only work with what you have at that moment.
3. What barriers have you had to overcome health wise?
Hmmm…. I can say I’ve been lucky and have been pretty healthy my entire life and haven’t had any major health issues. While, I do have scoliosis in my lower thoracic spine and lumbar spine, it hasn’t really played a major issue in my life. Sure here and there I’d get a tweak in my back but nothing serious. And if anything CrossFit has helped strengthen my lower back and core to the point where my scoliosis doesn’t really bother me at all. My only concern was about a year ago. Doctors found out I had a heart murmor and I had to do all these tests. I swear they did every test possible to make sure it was okay for me to do my job and do CrossFit. I remember the Doctors saying that what they found was unusual. I remember I saw 4 different doctors total. Each one sending me to another doctor for another opinion. Some telling me to stop doing CrossFit and some saying they don’t feel comfortable making the decision of what I “can do”. So finally the last doctor I met with was a Sports cardiologist who works with athletes all the time and he explained to me that everything was fine (after I did one more test that morning before I saw). But, the process of going through all those tests and seeing all those doctors frightened me. I thought I wasn’t gonna be able to do CrossFit again or at least at the pace I was going at. I thought I was gonna have to quit the Firefighting/Paramedic career and go find a desk job. And the final Doctor said I’m good to be doing what I’m doing and that I should just do a yearly check up with him to make sure nothing changes.
4. How has CrossFit positively impacted your life outside of the gym?
CrossFit has greatly impacted my life outside the gym. It just makes life easier in a way. As dumb as that sounds it just does. Even just picking up groceries from the car and putting them in the house. CrossFit also, makes me feel good about myself every way possible. I’m happier because of it. It’s definitely a stress reliever for me and boosts my self esteem. Which is huge for me. My self esteem used to be really low. It also, makes me appreciate being healthier more. Being a paramedic I see a lot of people of all ages who can’t take care of themselves because of their health.
5. Why did you start using the CrossFit methodology?
I started using CrossFit because I was getting bored of my old routine workouts at the highschool. I remember just sitting down one day thinking about how I could change up my workouts to make them better. While I was sitting down I remember my 10th grade history teacher talking to me about CrossFit one day and how crazy it was. So I went online I looked it up. I remember watching youtube videos of people doing CrossFit workouts with Clean and Jerks and muscle ups and everything else. I just remember thinking in my head “that looks cool”. So I tried getting into it and I remember I saw a person doing what looked like a CrossFit workout to me. So my skinny nervous ass at the time approached the guy and asked him if he did CrossFit. He said yes and asked if I would like to join him for a workout. I said “yes” and joined him for the workout and I loved it. I knew that this is what I needed to keep me working out regularly. After the workout he said that his brother is a coach and that I should get a hold of him to get more info on CrossFit and to start an offcial program. And so I did and I have loved CrossFit ever since.
6. What is your favorite part of CrossFit in general?
My favorite part of CrossFit…. I don’t know if I can just single down to just one favorite thing. I really like the broadness of CrossFit. It gives you this wide pool of variety. From running, to weightlifting and gymnastics.
Being able to do multiple movements that each work on different aspects is really cool. It’s just not one thing. The power lifter sure lifts a lot of weight. But, how good of a runner is he? How good is he at gymnastics? It’s this wide pool of movements that keeps me coming back. Because, you’re not gonna be great at all of the movements and thats why I keep coming back, to make those weaknesses no more. Another, aspect of CrossFit I love is the community. The community is amazing. It’s by far one of the best places to meet new awesome people but, to also have people push you. It’s awesome to have the community pushing you on a workout that your struggling with. You think that you can’t do it and there these people are cheering you on to finish the workout. It gives you that extra push. That extra motivation that you might need if you’re having one of those bad days. It reminds you that you’re not in this alone and that there are people with similar goals as yours. In CrossFit community we’re all there for each other inside and outside the gym.
7. Anything you would like to add that would help inspire others who want to get involved or anything you want to add at all:
Be happy. Don’t let things get the better of you. Life is too short to give too many shits about everything little thing. Unhappiness comes from comparing yourself to other people. So put down the phone and stop comparing yourself to the person with 2 corvettes and a pool. Or the person who goes on vacation every 2 months. And stop wondering why you don’t have what that person has. You know who got better from comparing themselves to other people?? No one. So stop complaining and go out to make your life better. Because only you can do that. The person who becomes a doctor is the person who studies 8 hrs a day 5 days a week. The person who gets the promotion and moves up the corporate chain is the person who works 70 hrs a week. The person who makes it to the Olympics is the person who trains 5 hrs a day. Yeah the time you put into everything sucks at that time and you may think it’s not worth it but, remember “The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience.”
If you would like to learn more about what we do here at CrossFit Roaster Barbell, shoot Coach Pete an email at to begin your journey and begin writing your success story. We know you have goals, we want to offer you a path to them!

CrossFit Kids! Summer 2019

Our highly anticipated CrossFit Kids program is back for 2019 and we couldn’t be more excited! Coach Kasey Reis will once again be leading our kids program and she is looking forward to working with your kids! Our suggested age group is 6-12 years old but exceptions can be made after discussing on a case by case basis. Class will begin at 1pm and will last exactly 1 hour. We highly encourage parents to stay and watch their children during class but it is not mandatory.

Our CrossFit Kids class will focus on exercise fundamentals and fun! We want this class to be highly enjoyable, while giving kids proper instruction on how to move their bodies. This is not a weight training class but they will learn the basics of how to move an object. The ultimate goal is to show kids that exercise is fun in a safe environment.

*CrossFit Kids Enrollment*

Enroll online here: Enroll Now!

Or enrollment can take place immediately before class #1, Monday June 10.

If you have any questions please email Coach Pete,

*CrossFit Kids Pricing*

All 16 Classes: $150 (one time payment, includes FREE KIDS SHIRT)

Individual Class: $15 per class

*CrossFit Kids Schedule*

Mon June 10 – 1pm

Wed June 12 – 1pm

Mon June 17 – 1pm

Wed June 19 – 1pm

Mon June 24 – 1pm

Wed June 26 – 1pm

Mon July 1 – 1pm

Wed July 3 – 1pm

Mon July 8 – 1pm

Wed July 10 – 1pm

Mon July 15 – 1pm

Wed July 17 – 1pm

Mon July 22 – 1pm

Wed July 24 – 1pm

Mon July 29 – 1pm

Wed July 31 – 1pm

You’re not ready.

You’re not ready to start CrossFit. And guess what? You will never be ready. And you’ll never be ready to buy that house. And you’ll never to ready to start a family. And you’ll never be ready to get married. Taking steps forward in life doesn’t require you to be ready. You’ll never be ready to do any of those things. All you need to do is this; start now. Start with one small step forward, then another, and another. Start today, start now.

Email Coach Pete —->  <—- Lets do this TOGETHER.

New Class: BURN!

Cost: FREE until October!

Who: no experience required!

Time: 12:00-12:45pm MWF

Allow me to introduce our signature “no weight” class, BURN! Have you been looking for a 45 min class that will push you to the next level without the need to lift weights? BURN! is for you! Beginning September 17th, 2018 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, BURN! will begin at Noon and you will be out the door at 12:45pm. The goal of this class is to get you in and out quickly while delivering a world class gym experience. The equipment that you will use will be Concept2 Rowers and Skiergs along with Assault Air Bikes and jump ropes. You will BURN! calories while having a great time in a small group atmosphere. The best part is that this class is FREE until October! With that said, you have no reason not to come give it a shot. We look forward to having you join us!

For more info please email Pete:



Monday 12:00-12:45pm

Wednesday 12:00-12:45pm

Friday 12:00-12:45pm

Kids Fitness! Summer 2018


One of our most successful programs is back for the summer! Kids Fitness is a great program for developing the fundamentals of movement as well as having fun in a safe and controlled environment. We ask that participants be 6-12 years old. Once again, Kids Fitness will be taught by CF-L1 trainer Kasey Reis. To learn more about this program or to reserve your spot, please email Coach Pete at Payments will be cash or check made to Pete Taylor LLC. We are looking forward to working with your little ones this summer! PS – We will have a second group of classes starting in the second half of summer! Stay tuned for that info.


All 10 Sessions: $80

Individual Class: $12


Kids Fitness Schedule:

Tues   June 12   3:30-4:30

Thurs   June 14   3:30-4:30

Tues   June 19   3:30-4:30

Thurs   June 21   3:30-4:30

Tues   June 26   3:30-4:30

Thurs   June 28   3:30-4:30

Tues   July 3   3:30-4:30

Thurs   July 5   3:30-4:30

Tues   July 10   3:30-4:30

Thurs   July 12   3:30-4:30

18.2 /18.2a

Week 2 of the 2018 CrossFit Games Open brought us a two part workout testing our speed as well as our strength. Per usual, The Dave Castro left his fingerprint on this unique workout by making us earn the barbell. If we were unable to complete the dumbbell squat, bar facing burpee couplet, we were not allowed to attempt a 1 rep max clean.


18.2 Top Performers (contributed to the team score)

4:38 Rachel Price

4:46 Doug Cairns

4:52 Dan Cronin

5:43 Suzi Cancar


18.2a Top Performers (contributed to the team score)

325 Pete Taylor

300 Dan Cronin

187 Serena Goode

185 Kasey Reis


Be sure to check out the 18.3 announcement LIVE Thursday March 8, 2018 at 8pm at! Also, stop by our Friday Night Lights event as we throw down for 18.3!






The 2018 CrossFit Games season has officially begun, and the dumbbell has made its much anticipated return. Week one of the 2018 Open brought us a 20 min AMRAP made up of toes to bar, hang clean and jerks, and rowing for calories. This unique triplet was the first time a dumbbell hang clean and jerk has been programmed in an open workout. While dealing with a new movement and movement standards can be difficult, the meat of the workout came down to pacing and conditioning. The dumbbell was essentially a non-factor for most athletes.

As always, our community gathered Friday night to throw down on 18.1. The dust has settled and our top performer this week for the women was Kasey Reis with a score of 353. Kasey’s score places her 94th in the Central East region. Kasey is also a 35-39 year old masters athlete, and her score places her 124th worldwide in that division.

On the men’s side of competition, our top performer this week was Doug Cairns with a score of 414. This score puts Doug in 101st place in the Central East region.

The CrossFit Games also has a team division in which we placed 28th out of  241 registered teams in the Central East. The team score is made up of the top two men’s and the top two women’s scores each week. This week the four athletes that contributed to the team score were Doug Cairns (414), Matt Taylor (402), Kasey Reis (353), and Serena Goode (349).

Serena Goode, who is competing in the 16-17 year old Teen Division found herself in 13th place worldwide with her score of 349.

Week 1 was pretty exciting and we have much to be thankful for. 18.2 is hours away from being announced live at Are you ready?!


-Coach Pete

CrossFit Roaster Barbell takes on Wodapalooza!

Every January thousands of athletes and spectators make their way to Bayfront Park in downtown Miami, Florida for one of the biggest fitness festivals in the world, Wodapalooza! Hosted by Peak360 CrossFit and founder Guido Trinidad, Wodapalooza is the unofficial start of the 2018 competitive CrossFit season. Over the course of 4 days, individual athletes and teams take on 9 workouts as well as a weightlifting face-off and various other activities for spectators to get involved with. Wodapalooza is a truly inclusive event, with divisions spanning all ages divisions as well as adaptive, and teen divisions.

This weekend, CrossFit Roaster Barbell had 4 athletes participate. Our women’s team was made up of Kasey Reis, Suzi Cancar, and Rachel Price who competed under the name Bar Slammin’ Babes in the intermediate women’s division. We couldn’t be more proud of their effort and attitude all weekend. Their best performance was the “Wreck Bag Mile” where they each carried a sandbag for a mile. They ran away with 2nd place in the event . They also had a strong finish in the “PowerDot 7k” taking 5th place overall. 3 days and 9 events later, our women claimed 14th overall out of the 36 teams in their division.

Our 4th athlete, Michael Reis, a member of team “Bros to Bar” had a spectacular weekend. Michael and his team finished 8 of 9 events in the top 10 with their best finish in the “Barbell for Boobs Finale” which was 70 thrusters at 105# as well as some 15′ rope climbs and bar facing burpees when transitioning a new athlete to the floor. At the conclusion of the weekend, Michael and his team stood atop the 2018 Wodapalooza podium, taking 1st overall in their division!

Wodapalooza 2018 was definitely a memorable experience for all athletes involved. Big thanks to Carly Senko, Michelle Seghi, Ben Price, and Patti Seghi  for making the trip to Miami to show their support!

-Coach Pete

The Most Powerful Tool, that is also your Enemy

In training we use a variety of tools to reach our goals. We utilize various equipment, use specific training modalities, and eat specific foods. However, one tool we often overlook is the most powerful, and useful tool of them all: Your Mind.

Your mind can also be your worst enemy. Just like you train your body to perform, you need to train your mind to perform. If you don’t train how you think, your mind can be the difference between progress and regression. One of the biggest issues that athletes struggle with is self doubt and negativity. They think, “This is hard,” or “I can’t do that.”

We put countless hours into our physical training. Equal amounts of time should be put into honing our mental game. The mind controls the body, right? You may have all the physical tools needed to be successful but if you enter a workout with a bad mentality, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

One of the characteristics of CrossFit training is that we train in adverse conditions. Your heart rate is through the roof, your muscles and lungs burn, and your mind is going a thousand miles an hour. In this moment, you have to make hundreds of small decisions. Your mental game is going to influence what decisions you make.

Keep your head in the game. Remember all those moments you thought you would never make it though? Well, here you are, still kicking ass and fighting for your fitness.

Your mind is your most powerful tool, or it can be your worst enemy. The choice is yours!

-Coach Pete

Finding Balance in Yoga

Yoga Instructor and CrossFit athlete: Kara Corrigan

If you have taken my yoga class over the last few weeks you have probably noticed an abundance of balancing poses. Cues such as feeling all four corners of your foot and taking up space have been repetitive. Why is this important? Balance on your yoga mat will lead to balance in your life. Most of us, I assume, lead rather hectic life styles, trying to fit work, fitness, family, friends and sleep into our daily lives. At some point it all gets to be overwhelming and we slowly begin to slip here or there, until we reach a breaking point. For me, it happened during test week with a single bad lift. I was disappointed to say the least, skipped the remainder of the week, and quitting crept into my mind.

I reflected that week and realized that I was out of balance. I needed to fix it. For me, it was getting back to a regular yoga practice, making the time for it – not excuses.  I re-committed to my personal practice and in return have found myself performing better and overall, much happier.

When in a balancing pose, if your mind is cluttered, you’re tired or stressed, you will most likely find yourself struggling to hold the pose. If simply being still is a struggle and it’s hard to quiet your mind, you need to pay attention. Listen to your body, it is always telling you something and maybe it is telling you to slow down. Just breathe in, breathe out, and be PRESENT in the current moment, after all, it is the only certain thing.

In the ultra competitive Crossfit world, it is necessary to take time to re-center yourself and find balance. You must take care of yourself- mind, body and spirit-  if you want to succeed. Your body will thank you mentally and physically. I encourage everyone to check out a yoga class, because it is one hour that is totally yours. If yoga is not for you, find something – anything that gives you mental pause and allows you to find balance in the hectic world we live in.

Much Love ~