The 2017 CrossFit Games Open


The Open is upon us. What is the Open? Every winter, the CrossFit Games season begins with the first stage of competition. We call this the Open. This year the first of five workouts is announced on Thursday February 23rd at 8pm. This happens every Thursday for five total weeks. Once announced, every CrossFit athlete in the world has until Monday evening to complete the workout for that week and submit their scores to

“But I’m not training to go to the CrossFit Games.”

Of course! But, you are training to become the best version of yourself and that process involves competing with yourself daily. Why not add another level of accountability? The Open is announced with RX and scaled standards, along with age divisions that will help you workout at a pace and level that is appropriate for you! Once you enter your scores, you will be able to see your name on the same leaderboard with the best fitness athletes in the world. Its a great way to stay motivated! Every Friday, the day after the workout is announced, the WOD will be the open workout! So you will be doing it anyway, might as well join in the fun officially! That brings me to our event called “Friday Night Lights.”

FNL will be a little different than normal classes. For week 1, Lululemon and Nooma will be on site with some surprises. Don’t worry, they will be participating too, I can’t let them just watch. We will go over the workout description and go over tips to get through the workout. Since the turnout is usually pretty big we will have heats and judges for each athlete! This should add to your experience and will give you the opportunity to encourage your friends through the workout. This is what makes CrossFit so special. There is no community like ours. Everyone genuinely wants to see you succeed. You will have unbelievable support from your gym. We got you.

Last year we divided everyone into two teams. The Red Team and Black Team. I plan on doing the same thing once registration is complete. Your score will help your team. There will be a special prize for the winning team at the end of the 5 weeks. Ill have more information on this as we get closer to week 1!

Now, its time to sign up. Head over to and make it official. Make a commitment to yourself. You can do this. Ill be right there doing it along with you.