Member Spotlight: Eric Grimm

From Coach Pete: When I think of Eric, I think of kindness and happiness. The past couple years have been a pleasure working with such a driven young man. Eric is a very intelligent, hard working athlete that has used his fitness experience to connect and form even stronger relationships with his family. A moment that sticks out to me that shows Eric’s progress through the years was at our 2018 in-house partner competition. Eric and his older brother Jack were partners and they were working on synchro power cleans at 140#. The weight was right on the edge of Eric’s comfort zone and the workout was very difficult for him. Fast forward to 2020 and a power clean at 140# would hardly be a warmup. Consistency wins. Eric is a great example of what consistency will produce. Thank you, Eric, for being a great ambassador for our community!
1 – What brought you to Roaster Barbell?
My family did. Abby and Jack started going to the gym before I did and they really pushed me to join them. After seeing the positive impact it had on them, I decided to try it out. Have been doing it ever since!
2 – What are your training goals?
My goal is to just stay healthy. I am still young and plan on living a long life. I know that if I start these habits now, they will stick with me for the rest of my life.
3 – What keeps you coming back for more?
The great coaching and community always brings me back. Every time I come in, there is a workout that will kick my butt and make me better. On top of that there is a great group of people that will suffer and grow with me.
4 – What is your favorite part of the Roaster Barbell experience?
My favorite part of the Roaster experience is the community. Whether it’s dancing with me at 7:30 in the morning or cursing out Pete because of an extra hard workout, it is always a good group of people to be with. Everyone has the right mindset of wanting to get better, not just in fitness, but in everyday life. When you have an off day, everyone else will push you through it.
5 – How has training improved your life outside of the gym?
Outside of the gym, training has made me more confident in myself. In high school and growing up I had trouble with being the person that I know I am and wanted to be. Going into the gym every day and growing mentally with that has helped give me the strength and confidence to come out to my family and friends, something I used to think I would never be able to do.
6 – What have you accomplished that you never thought you would never do?
I passed the point where I was before I tore my LCL and hamstring in high school. I always thought that the injury was going to impede me for the rest of my life, but with good training and hard work, I was able to overcome it.
7 – What has training taught you about yourself?
Training has taught me that the only person you can count on is yourself in the long run. Like the community at the gym, there will always be people there supporting you, but only yourself has the ability to push through the roadblocks and walls.
8 – What is your favorite gym activity?
My favorite workout will be the one where I kick my brother’s butt, but I will always love a work out that will push me farther than I thought I could go.
9 – What is your least favorite gym activity?
Anything that tears my hands. I must have soft baby hands because no matter how much chalk I use or how many times my calluses heal, I always rip.
10 – What advice would you have for someone who is looking to get started?
If it is kicking your ass, then you are doing something right. Just stick with it when it gets hard and you will see major self-improvement.




Thank you for taking the time to get to know Eric! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!