Member Spotlight: Ahren Booher

From Coach Pete: 2020 has forced many of us to make decisions about our lives and make us look a little closer at the decisions we make. For Ahren, the downtime in the spring shed light on just how much she needed to be in the gym consistently for both physical and mental health. Ahren’s spotlight was created because when gyms were given the green light to open, her commitment to herself and her goals were above and beyond anything we had seen from her before. A renewed sense of purpose and commitment has made Ahren one of the most consistent morning athletes in recent memory. Ahren’s commitment to herself has accelerated her progress as well as her happiness. The life of a realtor is fast paced and ever changing but Ahren has found a way to make it work, to hold herself accountable, and to make every appointment with herself. Thank you, Ahren, for being an inspiration to us all.


1 – What brought you to Roaster Barbell?

I have had a deep love/hate relationship with CF from the moment I completed my first workout 7ish years ago. Unfortunately, my first gym closed and I bopped around from gym to gym for a couple years. I struggled to find the community and structure I was looking for. My friend and colleague, Nikki Miller was the one who first suggested I try Roaster. I knew Pete through the community and reached out to drop in for my first class. The rest is history!

2 – What are your training goals?

My goals are a lot different than they were when I first started CF. Most of the time my goals are more related to fitting into my pants… On a serious note, my competitive side will always be there so I always want to improve, however working out has become a much more mental health thing than a physical one.

3 – What keeps you coming back for more?

My first year as a member I struggled getting into a groove. I have a very demanding job that frequently keeps me up later than I’d like. After losing my gym time due to Covid and seeing what a major impact it had on my mental health, I promised I would make working out part of my daily routine at least 5 days a week. Of course the community is a large part of what keeps me coming back and it’s just a non-negotiable part of my day. Show up no matter what!

4 – What is your favorite part of the Roaster Barbell experience?

The structure and coaching. So many other gyms don’t start class on time, have inexperienced coaches, members with dangerous form. I am grateful to be somewhere that even after almost a decade of fitnessing I am able to learn so many new techniques and tips! I even coached and had my Level 1!

5 – How has training improved your life outside of the gym?

I am a different person when I am working out and eating healthy. My boyfriend is grateful that the mood swings are much less frequent! Again, I have a demanding stressful job and working out at Roaster makes me be a better business owner and leader.

6 – What have you accomplished that you never thought you would never do?

Consistently getting up, even on weekends, by 6:30 am and making it to a morning workout! I always said my schedule was too demanding and morning workouts were not for me. I have missed one class due to demand post Covid!

7 – What has training taught you about yourself?

Training has really taught me to stay in my lane and give up control. I am a very social and outgoing person. It is sometimes hard for me to let others lead. I also don’t like getting beat. Roaster is very humbling gym. We have so many high level athletes. Being honest, at first it was a little discouraging. Now I have learned how to block out what everyone else is doing and push myself to accomplish my own goals.

8 – What is your favorite gym activity?

I love the gymnastics movements, snatching, and overhead squats.

9 – What is your least favorite gym activity?

I hate, hate, double hate, WALL BALLS!… oh, and the bike sucks too.

10 – What advice would you have for someone who is looking to get started?

So many people think they have to “get ready” to start CF. It’s like they think they have to train for a few months to prepare themselves. That’s not true. Just show up and be ok with where you are. If you keep putting off the start, you will never reach your goals!

11 – Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I love my Dog, Luna! And, thank you Pete for allowing me to be apart of this amazing community!




Thank you for taking the time to get to know Ahren! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!