Member Spotlight: Brian Papay

From Coach Pete: Brian Papay is the definition of driven. He is a regular at our 5am class and I’ve always said that 5am’ers are special people. Its takes a strong “why” to be at the gym at 5am all week, week after week. Brian takes any challenge head-on with everything he’s got. Just this week we did a sled workout that was intended to be a fairly slow pace but I knew what was about to happen after the 3-2-1-Go. As expected, Brian took off in a dead sprint to begin his mile sled drag at 70#. I found myself laughing out loud as I watched him fade into the 5am darkness. This scenario is pretty common, I overheard him once call this plan, “crash and burn.” In contrast, Brian’s extra training outside of the gym has given him a new perspective. He has been training for a 26 mile race which has forced him to slow his training runs down in order to build his trail volume. Its been interesting to hear about his race training. The picture that I am trying to paint is that Brian is heavily invested in his health and fitness. Stories like his are incredibly meaningful to me because I know where he started. Brian’s ability to work hard while remaining humble is incredibly motivating to those around him and he has been a great teammate to those in our community. Its been a pleasure working with you, Brian. Thank you for calling Roaster Barbell your home.
1 – What is your why? What gets you out of bed in the morning?
I try to become a better person daily while being happy and healthy. I strive to be mentally and physically stronger to set a good example for my two boys.
2 – What is special about Roaster Barbell that keeps you coming back?
Its been life changing. Roaster Barbell woke this 40 year old man up. There’s something about this amazing community of hard workers that push and challenge you to become better daily. Together, we raise that bar, work hard, and crush our goals. Led by Coach Pete, a great coach and even better person. Its been a tough year for everyone (Covid) but the great positive leadership hasn’t gone unnoticed.
3 – When was your tipping point that helped you get started in fitness?
I just remember being out of shape and wanting a change. Found CrossFit at 230lbs. First workout was horrible and thought I was going to die but just kept coming back. A little over 3 years later I’m fairly fit and weigh 167lbs.
4 – What events are you training for?
Leave No Trace trail marathon on November 7th.
5 – What is your favorite thing in the gym?
I prefer cardio, light weight or body weight workouts.
6 – What is your least favorite thing in the gym?
Heavy weight workouts.
7 – Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully 50 and fit, moving like a youngster.
8 – What has been the most difficult obstacle on your journey?
Probably the lifestyle change. Putting my health as the priority. Building my daily routines.
9 – What do you look for in a gym?
Im at a point in my life where I try to surround myself with positive, inspiring, and great people. Community is high on the list of things I look for.
10 – What advice would you have for someone who is considering Roaster Barbell?
Give it a shot! Show up, work hard, and earn the results you want to see.



Thank you for taking the time to get to know Brian! If you would like to learn how you could become our next success story, just email Coach Pete at and lets begin talking about how Roaster Barbell and help you reach your goals!